Monday, October 18, 2010

Crystal Bowersox Might Cover a Sista Otis Song on her Upcoming Album

Crystal Bowersox Might Cover a Sista Otis Song on her Upcoming Album | mjsbigblog /* Begin Contact Form CSS */.contactform {position: static;overflow: hidden;width: 95%;}.contactleft {width: 25%;white-space: pre;text-align: right;clear: both;float: left;display: inline;padding: 4px;margin: 5px 0;}.contactright {width: 70%;text-align: left;float: right;display: inline;padding: 4px;margin: 5px 0;}.contacterror {border: 1px solid #ff0000;}.contactsubmit {}/* End Contact Form CSS */ BlogChatArchivesIdol AppearancesSeason 9 ScheduleSeason 9 Top 24Historical ChartsIdol Billboard Update: 9/13/08Idol Billboard Update: 9/20/08Idol Billboard Update: 9/27/08Idol Billboard Update: 10/04/08Idol Billboard Update: 10/11/08Idol Billboard Update: 10/18/08Idol Billboard Update: 10/25/08Idol Billboard Update: 11/01/08Idol Billboard Update: 11/08/08Idol Billboard Update: 11/15/08Idol Billboard Update: 11/22/08Idol Billboard Update: 11/29/08Idol Billboard Update: 12/06/08Idol Billboard Update: 12/13/08Idol Top 50Idol Billboard Update: 12/20/08Idol Billboard Year-End Chart 2008Weekly Billboard Updates 2008Idol Billboard Update: 01/10/09Idol Billboard Update: 01/17/09American Idol Season 8 ScheduleIdol Billboard Update: 01/24/09Idol Billboard Update: 01/31/09Season 8 Top 36Idol Billboard Update: 02/07/09Idol Billboard Update: 02/14/09Idol Billboard Update: 02/21/09Idol Billboard Update: 02/28/09American Idol Season 8 Top 13Adam Lambert: American Idol Season 8 Top 13American Idol Season 8 Top 13: Anoop DesaiMatt Giraud: American Idol Season 8 Top 13Danny Gokey: American Idol Season 8 Top 13Kris Allen: American Idol Season 8 Top 13American Idol Season 8 Top 13: Michael SarverAmerican Idol Season 8 Top 13: Jorge NunezAmerican Idol Season 8 Top 13: Scott MacIntyreAmerican Idol Season 8 Top 13: Alexis GraceAllison Iraheta: American Idol Season 8 Top 13American Idol Season 8 Top 13: Jasmine MurrayAmerican Idol Season 8 Top 13: Lil RoundsAmerican Idol Season 8 Top 13: Megan Joy CorkreyBillboard Chart: 03/14/09Billboard Chart: 03/21/09Billboard Chart: 04/04/09Billboard Chart: 04/11/09Billboard Chart: 04/18/09Billboard Chart: 04/25/09Billboard Chart: 05/02/09Billboard Chart: 05/09/09Billboard Chart: 05/16/09Billboard Chart: 05/23/09Billboard Chart: 05/30/09Billboard Chart: 06/06/09Billboard Chart: 06/13/09Billboard Chart: 06/27/09Billboard Chart: 07/04/09Billboard Chart: 07/11/09Idol Billboard Year-End Chart 2009Billboard End of Decade (’00s) ChartAmerican Idols Live 2010 – Tour ScheduleCurrent BB Chart – 4/5/08Idol Billboard Update: 12/27/08Billboard Chart: 03/07/09Billboard Chart: 03/28/09
? Jennifer Hudson Performs at the Andre Agassi 15th Grand Slam for ChildrenX Factor UK – Top 16 – Results! ? Crystal Bowersox Might Cover a Sista Otis Song on her Upcoming AlbumOctober 10th, 2010 | Author: mj

Will Crystal Bowersox be covering a song for her upcoming album from one of her favorite artists, Sista Otis?

The Detroit based Otis wrote on her facebook:

Crystal Bowersox wants to use my song, Love Is Spiritual on her first release on Jive records. If Jive OKs it then I’ve sold my first song to a major artist and this will continue to open more doors to a life long music making career. WOOOOOOO YESSSSSSSSS!!!!

Would Jive OK “Love is Spiritual” as one of the few songs on Crystal’s album she didn’t have a hand in writing, or would the label insist she record tunes from the usual stable of Idol songwriters? Hm.

Listen to “Love is Spiritual” on MySpace

What do you think? I’d like to see Crystal record songs that fit her vibe, rather than the typical cookie-cutter Idol fare. If this is legit, I hope it works out.? After the jump, Crystal talks about Sista Otis in a FOX Detroit interview taped back in May while she was still on Idol.

Video after the JUMP…

Crystal talks about Sista Otis during American Idol

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Posted in American Idol, Crystal Bowersox | Tags: Crystal Bowersox 83 Responses to “Crystal Bowersox Might Cover a Sista Otis Song on her Upcoming Album” Older Entries ? Eriko: 10/10/2010 at 10:08 pm

I just listened again and this time it grabbed be, I like it and think it has lots of potential. Kinda reminded me of the Ting Tings, if that makes any sense

fictitiousreality: 10/10/2010 at 10:15 pm

Since this is story time…my story is that Crystal will sell 1M records her first year. I can’t be wrong since this is my opinion!

lol, i like your humour. My story is that when the DJs play her song they would be inclined to discuss it rather than jump to the next one.

I think crystal is creating buzz with the shows and appearances she has been on since AI. She did get positive feedback from those shows, both melissa and frantis fans and the show reviewers did talk abt her both pre and post-show and I dont think I heard anything negetive about it. The most negetive thing I can say said wasnt her singing or performance but rather that she came from AI and the people’s opinion about that show. That being said the buzz from those shows would not be like the “buzz” that happens for AI. I dont think they would have like fan blogs raving consistently, id like to think that they are more mature than that.

sallysimmons: 10/10/2010 at 10:15 pm

Just shooting from the dark here and judging from the music scene, I think the “Men in Suits” have a narrow comfort zone they don′t want to step out from. If or when there is some sort of shift in the music world, they follow but never lead. They don′t want to put effort and energy to examine things from a broader perspective.

Explain Elbow or AVI Buffalo or the Fleet Foxes or any number of innovative and interesting bands currently making music. In fact, what the ‘men in suits’ demand is that, if you want to be an artist, you have something to offer in terms of a new sound or original songs. Crystal doesn’t – none of the Idols do – so in lieu of that, she needs to be commercial. She’s not. That’s why they’re not interested.

Eriko: 10/10/2010 at 10:17 pm

If she sells a tenth of that, I’ll be surprised

You′ll be surprised if she sells more than 50-100k ?

Since you or nobody has heard her CD, are you saying that it′s irrelevant what it will sound like and won′t affect the sales?

gangreen29: 10/10/2010 at 10:28 pm

Rubbish. Explain Elbow or AVI Buffalo or the Fleet Foxes or any number of innovative and interesting bands currently making music. In fact, what the ‘men in suits’ demand is that, if you want to be an artist, you have something to offer in terms of a new sound or original songs.

I don’t know who Elbow is but AVI Buffalo and Fleet Foxes are both on an indie label. I don’t think the suits at the major labels get points for their success LOL

I really like the song, but I need to hear the Crystal version before I pass judgement.

girlygirl: 10/10/2010 at 10:34 pm

I appreciate the enthusiasm for one’s favorite artist. Last fall I was POSITIVE Kris was going to have a gold album — no way he wouldn’t. Yeah, that didn’t happen. If his debut CD ever goes gold (unlikely), it’ll be a couple of years from now. So since then I’ve done a lot more research into the state of the music business and have tried to be more realistic about what to expect from people coming off Idol — something that has gotten me labeled a “hater” of various Idols at times. I don’t want these people to fail, I’d like them all to be commercially and critically successful. But I’ve decided that — for me, anyway — it’s much better to keep my expectations low, and to not be afraid to question stuff — even if that is unpopular. I’d like to be surprised , to see Lee and Crystal both outperform my expectations for them — but I can’t say that I have anything solid (buzz, previous sales, etc) to make me believe that they will.

I wish Crystal (and Lee) much luck with their upcoming releases and hope that they will indeed surprise me in terms of the sales. I think both will put out solid albums in terms of music.

Eriko: 10/10/2010 at 10:40 pm

Explain Elbow or AVI Buffalo or the Fleet Foxes or any number of innovative and interesting bands currently making music. In fact, what the ‘men in suits’ demand is that, if you want to be an artist, you have something to offer in terms of a new sound or original songs

I don′t have to explain anything since I said “Just shooting from the dark” meaning speculating. But gangreen did. And again, since you haven′t heard Crystals CD, how do you know what her sound is? Also, she does have original songs.
Do you judge how all AI contestants CD′s will be after AI, from their various theme week covers during the show? Isn′t better to judge something after listening?

MonochromaticFriend: 10/10/2010 at 10:51 pm

Sorry guys, I was also speculating with my “Men in Suits” comment, although I was indeed referring to those involved with AI contestants. And just from what I’ve seen over the last few years, I agree with Eriko, they really do appear to be risk-adverse and much more likely to support an artist that already has a defined niche in radio. Which would explain their quest to find “the next Justin Bieber” or “the next Taylor Swift”.

mozart4898: 10/10/2010 at 11:14 pm

And don’t forget, the men in suits initially labeled this as “the girls’ year” and had the likes of Lily Scott, Crystal, and several others I’ve forgotten in Hollywood. They seemed to quickly drop their idea of a girls’ year, especially the singer-songwriter types, when the girls got picked off one by one. For the real Idol-loonies out there, how many girls have made the final 2, and what have their styles been? Crystal was actually the favorite in many surveys even up until the finale by as much as 2 to 1 in some cases (of course, some less). There’s many reasons to believe that Crystal actually has a larger fanbase coming off the show than Lee does – it’s definitely possible for someone to win with less actual supporters.

My whole point through all of this has basically boiled down to – how many female singer-songwriters have made it to the top 2 on American Idol…and for that matter, how have the girls fared in recent years? She didn’t really captivate much of the traditional AI voting crowd, so how did she get that far?

20 million viewers, let’s say for the finale 10% of them voted, so 2 million. If even 1/2 of them supported Crystal (I’d hazard a guess it was more than 1/2), that’s 1 million – many of which I’ll bet haven’t ever voted before, and probably didn’t realize they could (or should) vote hundreds of times. (I had to convince my mom an 888 number was toll-free and it wasn’t going to cost us $0.05 per vote or something – she swore my phone bill was going to be a couple thousand dollars after a month of redialing every Tuesday night. After she found out that it was actually free, she then started doing the same, and we got my dad to too – but how many who don’t usually vote know that?)

Those who liked Crystal this past season but aren’t traditional Idol fans won’t just forget about her now. I think someone of her sort making it as far as she did (almost winning in fact) was because of non-traditional AI voters and viewers, and for that reason I don’t think the past trends in this case will indicate future results. Of course, YMMV and all of that, and yes, she could be a flop. But I really doubt it. 500K to 1 million in sales by Mother’s Day. When her album is certified gold I’ll be back to comment on it ;-) (Oh, and what I was on when I said that earlier…coffee. Just coffee.)

girlygirl: 10/10/2010 at 11:41 pm

LOL – only problem with that is only a very small percentage of fans who vote on the AI finale end up buying the contestant’s albums. For example, 29 million people watched the S8 finale and there were nearly 100 million votes cast. But very few of those 29 million viewers — or 100 million votes — turned into in actual sales. Because otherwise Kris and Adam should have sold WAY more copies of their debut CDs than the approximate 1 million (US sales) they have combined to have sold to this point. Votes do not automatically equal sales.

But good for you for sticking to your guns for that 500K-1 million by Mother’s day prediction :)

iluvai: 10/10/2010 at 11:50 pm

Girlygirl always makes a lot of sense! :)

cookcricket: 10/11/2010 at 12:12 am

I like the song…I think I’d like it much better with Crystal. With some changes and her vocals, I think there is some possibility for top 20, amybe top 10 on at least HAC. We’ll see. I hope Jive is game. I hope Crystal has say in what it going on her album and that they listen to her input regardless of the their motivations (making it easier for them with less cost, or because they trust her.)

mozart4898: 10/11/2010 at 12:15 am

girlygirl – As I said, I don’t think you can really take past results to totally predict her sales. I don’t think Crystal would have made it to where she did if she wouldn’t have brought in non-typical voters. I’d say if you took a survey of those who have voted in past years, Lee probably won 75% or more of their votes. I think the vast majority of Crystal’s voters were people who hadn’t voted before. Of course, we have no way to know. But I’m figuring those who she actually inspired to vote, who hadn’t voted before, WILL buy in greater numbers than past voters.

And I really don’t see how the lower end of my prediction is far fetched at all. I’ll get myself in trouble for guessing at this but I thought I’d seen that Adam had sold something like 750K or closing in on 1 million by now himself, and I thought Kris was around 500K (or more?). Maybe some of that factors in overseas sales as well (course I didn’t specify if I’m talking about overseas or not…I guess I wasn’t because I’m figuring she’ll at least have a gold album on her debut).

(And to think…a while back I had said I wouldn’t be surprised if Crystal went double platinum considering she’s something different that I really think has less AI bubble buzz than people are used to, therefore they think she’s not going to sell. I’ve backed way off that just because of how people believe the music industry has dried up…)

artemis: 10/11/2010 at 12:36 am

ITA Girlygirl. I prefer to be realistic about sales expectations,rather than have my hopes crushed. Lee’s album preview reviews have been great, and Crystal is a great singer and I’m sure will put out a fine album, but since when have sales in music had anything to do with quality? Not lately.

Trina: 10/11/2010 at 12:47 am

Some of the huge expectations are kinda scary. I’m in the camp that also think if Adam and Kris didn’t go platinum and gold respectively then I have serious doubts Crystal can. Its not negativity, and its not. a matter of basing predictions on what’s happened in the past, its looking at how the music industry is NOW and going further and further downhill and CD sales are shrinking at a disturbing rate.. I mean even Daughtry it took like a year to go platinum with his current CD. My Walmart just recently downsized their music department due to people not buying as much and the only CDs they have stocked well are current hot artists like Bieber, Katy Perry, Eminem, etc.

Crystal might put out a critically acclaimed CD and go on to win a Grammy, doesn’t mean she’s going to be some massive seller. In fact some of the best CDs often get overlooked. Quality doesn’t always equal sales. I also think the AI fanbase tends to be over estimated at times.

Its been said RCA has first dibs on who they want to sign so I fully believe they would have signed Crystal if they wanted whether she won or not. They’ve signed runner-ups, they signed Adam and promote the hell out of him. But I don’t think it matters much. I can make a list of pros and cons for both Jive and RCA so I don’t think RCA is superior.

Weebs787: 10/11/2010 at 3:37 am

I’m just interested, but what do the people who think Crystal is going to go at least Gold think Lee and Casey are going to sell? You must think that that Lee will sell more than that because theoretically he was more popular than her (in terms of votes, and post Idol factors like single sales and tour merch) and that Casey will sell somewhat comparable? They’re also both more commercially viable than her. (YMMV of course on that last part) For the record, I think Lee is the only one of the two who may have a chance at Gold, and even that is a crap shoot. Casey is a wild card for me, so I won’t even try to speculate.

And, because I truly don’t know, if RCA wanted to, they could’ve signed both Lee and Crystal right? Have the winner and runner up ever been on the same label?

jennyl: 10/11/2010 at 6:03 am

Deleted. Gone off topic.

fictitiousreality: 10/11/2010 at 8:55 am

i find a bit odd about this ’supporting your idol no matter what’ notion. It almost seems like its a charity. An artist coming from AI is not the worst human being out there to lend my very best support. Even before idol these people were in regular jobs and were very much well off than a lot of other people on the streets. I guess what I am saying I will never buy an album just cos I love his/her personality or he/she was humble before, I will only buy for the music if its to my taste. I think the market will speak for itself and no matter how much “support” I give it wouldnt help me or the artist in any way i can imagine.

Since this isnt a lee or casey’s thread I will keep my opinions ’bout them to myself though i must say that the only person i am hearing right now is crystal ,crystal, crystal. whether its AI related or her personal life or participation in charity shows she is the only one making any sort of ‘noise’ from that bunch. hmm dejavu?

Eriko: 10/11/2010 at 9:33 am

i find a bit odd about this ’supporting your idol no matter what’ notion. It almost seems like its a charity

Totally agree. Even tho I was a big fan of Adam and Allison last season, I didn′t buy their CD for the simple and obvious reason, I didn′t like them. Crystal was by far my favorite during any season. But I won′t buy her CD by default, but judging from what I′ve seen and heard from her, post Idol, the odds are, her CD will end up in my collection. Judging from many posts I read, for some, it seems their “favorite” can do no wrong. Like they hear only what they want to hear. The opposite happens also, a non-favorite can do no right, music or twitter wise :)

lucy: 10/11/2010 at 9:58 am

girlygirl – As I said, I don’t think you can really take past results to totally predict her sales. I don’t think Crystal would have made it to where she did if she wouldn’t have brought in non-typical voters.

I really don’t see why she had to bring in non-typical voters. To me, she was just the *best* woman performer and musician that they’ve had in quite a while (not counting Lilly Scott, who I would have liked to see go much farther), so I voted for her this season.

I’ve voted strongly for women in the past — mostly Melinda, Fantasia, Latoya, Jennifer H, Kimberly L, Tamyra, and Kelly C (and a bit for Allison, Brooke W and Carly S, although they weren’t consistent enough for me to really embrace them as faves). But since Mindy D, I haven’t seen a woman until Crystal whose singing, creativity, and consistency I liked enough to make her my first-choice favorite of the season. (wish Lilly Scott had lasted — she might have joined Crystal in that group, for me) So, while I am a Crystal fan, I’m definitely not a non-typical Idol voter, I don’t think, since I’ve voted for a lot of the top-finishing boys, including Adam and Cook. Thus — just don’t see why Crystal voters are necessarily non-typical.

Plus, really, while there are some great woman non-total-typical-pop artists out there, how many of them really burn up the sales charts? I’m a big fan of a bunch of women singers into whose musical company Crystal loosely falls — love Imogen Heap, Regina Spektor, Tori Amos, and more, for example. But as far as I know, their sales figures would be considered quite disappointing for any top-finishing Idol, wouldn’t they, despite the Grammys and the critical acclaim and so on?

I can see Crystal being a major musical success. But a sales success on the level of what people expect from pop stars? I don’t really see how she’d manage that, frankly.

Eriko: 10/11/2010 at 10:13 am

lucy, your post makes a lot of sense and probably holds a lot of truth, especially concerning indie womans critical and musical success vs commercial success.
Regarding non-typical voters, I don′t think Mozart by any means is saying Crystal didn′t also get votes from the typical voter, just compared to most if not all others, more from the non-typical. The same applies to when “teen power voters” are mentioned. There are always people who jump in and say, “I′m so so old and I love XXXX” Of course every contestant will have fans from all demographics, the question is, how are the proportions spread…jmo

undercooked: 10/11/2010 at 10:21 am

Crystal was the best singer in the top 12 of Season 9. I think that is why she got the votes. I do think long time AI fans voted for her. I know I did although I’m not a big fan of her type of music. I thought she was the most talented and deserved to win. I don’t know if I will buy her album or not. It just depends on whether I like it or not.

It’s really hard for me to predict how her album will do. It could take off like wild fire and do really well, or it could stall out. She has been generating buzz for herself which should help her. I do think her AI fanbase who really likes her style of music will buy her album.

I do agree Adam did lose that portion of his AI fanbase by putting out a pop album. I personally love Adam’s album so I was good with that and I sincerely enjoy it. For me, I was happy with all of the zigs and zags on it. I actually never saw Adam as a rocker because I followed him here on MJ’s blog and his pre-idol stuff was quite varied.

I also voted for Cook and he put out an album that pretty much represented his style on AI. And you know what, I bought it, but only listened to it a few times because I didn’t like it.

Eriko: 10/11/2010 at 10:26 am

I also voted for Cook and he put out an album that pretty much represented his style on AI. And you know what, I bought it, but only listened to it a few times because I didn’t like it.

Is that how you came up with your nick “undercooked” :)

Trina: 10/11/2010 at 11:06 am

I forgot to add that the method of trying to figure out what percent of the voting public on the finale will buy her CD prediction doesn’t wash with me. The season 7 finale had even more viewers, 100 million votes, more than likely Archie had even more votes than Crystal and in a slightly better CD buying climate he still hasnt sold a million albums. Something to ponder.

As for “making noise”. Well there was an announcement last week that Lee’s first single is debuting this week on a hugely listened to radio show and his album cover came out, we know of a breast cancer benefit he did last week, there were multiple articles reviewing 4 songs from his CD as a result of a listening session RCA held for media I woudlnt say the Lee front has been silent.

artemis: 10/11/2010 at 11:47 am

Gina Orr is doing a great job keeping Crystal’s name out there,having her participate in numerous charity events-and I know Crystal sincerely supports these causes. She was impressive on Anderson Cooper’s show.She just had her wedding yesterday. She has participated in some good musical events. But if she is to release an album in mid-December, it will have to be completed about a month from now. I read all the stories about Crystal because she was my second favorite this season and I have only heard mention of a couple of recording sessions.
Lee flew to Nashville, NY,and LA all summer during the tour and he has been in the studio since the tour ended, co-writing new songs with a variety of proven hit songwriters. He was already a talented writer, but I’m sure he is learning and growing. Music reviews from the song preview have all been positive so far. I’m sure he will soon have a lot of appearances-RCA knows how to do promo.
I hope Crystal can work fast. She has a lovely voice, but I would hate for her album to be the kind of rush job some AI albums were in the past.

MonochromaticFriend: 10/11/2010 at 11:57 am

I’m going to keep this on topic, so I’ll just say this, with the tour ending early, Crystal will have a good (three?) months to put together her debut CD, some of which appears to be original music she wrote before idol or on the tour. Her music and advocacy appearances have, in total, taken up only a few days. I know things are rushed, but I think a few days out of 12 or so weeks shouldn’t really make a difference in quality.

Also, Crystal has consistently demonstrated that one of her primary concerns is for the quality of her first CD. I don’t see her sacrificing quality for her causes (or ignoring her causes either, for that matter).

fictitiousreality: 10/11/2010 at 12:52 pm

Dunno how legit this is but a possible crystal LP just popped on and its saying release date is December 7th :O Could this be the date?

artemis: 10/11/2010 at 1:09 pm

Yeah, this looks totally for real. Good grief. That means she will have to be finished recording by Nov.7. Get moving Crystal.

Eriko: 10/11/2010 at 1:20 pm

Someone seems to be getting impatient.

jeff kazee
@crystalbowersox congrats crystal! now get your &$$ back here and get back to work..

All these different events may not in itself take that much time. But when you take traveling and preparing into account, the actual events are only a small % of the total time. On top of that, when her writing/recording sessions lose continuation and momentum with lots of “starting again” and “stopping again” there is a lot of time and energy being used, at the cost of efficiency. So I hope Crystal will now be able to put in some longer stretches of uninterrupted quality studio/writing time.

fictitiousreality: 10/11/2010 at 1:55 pm

jeff kazee
@crystalbowersox congrats crystal! now get your &$$ back here and get back to work..

I wouldnt take it too literally considering what they’ve been tweeting back and forth..probably they miss crystal alot haha :) i know shes been in the studio most of the time, right after melissa’s show she was rushing back to jersey (i think) to get back to studio. i’d like think they’d have recorded half the album by now…

undercooked: 10/11/2010 at 1:56 pm

Is that how you came up with your nick “undercooked”

LOL! No, I just picked it because at the time, I couldn’t think of a screen name. So…with my train of thought, I felt I must not be ready to pick a name because I couln’t find a “handle” that I felt fit me. My on-line identity was a bit, well, undefined, so I decided to become undercooked. You know, as in not done, needing more time, not ready. Now, I like to think of undercooked as meaning raw… as in frank or realistic. Yes, I am a revisionist!

But back on topic. I hope Crystal sells a lot of albums because she is very talented. She deserves success. And I look forward to Cook’s second album. I really liked Cook on AI and I really want to like his second album.

wjmtv: 10/11/2010 at 1:56 pm

Wow, that’s some honeymoon. “Three lush, tropical weeks in a recording studio! Yee-ha!”

I don’t imagine she minds too much though. Getting your first major-label album done has to be just a wee bit exciting. Helps that hubby is in the biz, no doubt.

Chop chop, girlfriend! Time’s a-wasting!

fictitiousreality: 10/11/2010 at 10:51 pm

“Three lush, tropical weeks in a recording studio! Yee-ha!”

luv this :)

m just glad she did not postpone on ‘happiness’. personal happiness and career can go hand-in-hand. m just happy that crystal knows her priorities well.

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Cooper (1) 'Deathly Hallows: Part I' Posters (3) (1998) (1) (2000) (1) (2007) (1) (460 mgr) (1) (AV) (1) (PICTURES) (2) $10 (1) $13.7 (1) $15 (1) $25 (1) $250 (1) $26 (1) $3.9 (1) $300 (1) $40 (1) $5.8 (1) $75 (1) $850 (1) £25 (1) 000 (1) 1 (10) 1-ANZ (1) 1-ECB (1) 1-on-1 (1) 1:59am (1) 1/11/11 (1) 10 (7) 100 (2) 101 (1) 101110 (1) 104 (1) 106 (1) 11 (3) 12 (1) 13 (1) 13-minute (1) 13th (1) 14 (2) 14-year-old (1) 15 (1) 15-1 (1) 15:00 (1) 15.4 (1) 16 (1) 17 (1) 172nd (1) 17th (1) 1955 (1) 1980s (1) 1st (1) 2 (18) 2 Shot (1) 20 (5) 200 (1) 2001 (1) 2004 (1) 2007 (2) 2008 (2) 2009 (3) 2010 (15) 2011 (101) 2012 (3) 2015 (1) 208mph (1) 21 (2) 21-14 (2) 21st (1) 22-19 (1) 23 (3) 24 (1) 25 (1) 26 (2) 27 (1) 28 (1) 2G (1) 2nd (2) 3 (3) 3-0 (1) 3-China (1) 3-D (1) 3-year (1) 30 (4) 30-Rock (1) 31 (1) 35 (1) 35-24 (1) 350 (1) 360 (1) 39 (1) 3d (1) 3DS (1) 3G (1) 3rd (1) 4 (3) 4 Winner (2) 4-2-3-1 (1) 4.3 (1) 40 (1) 40th (2) 43 (1) 45 (1) 45K (1) 47 (3) 49 (1) 49ers (2) 4th (1) 5 (5) 5 Dead (1) 5-foot (1) 50 (2) 50th (1) 5Megapixel (1) 6 (4) 60 (2) 63’s (1) 67-Yard (1) 68th (1) 6abc (1) 7 (3) 7-0 (1) 7.4 (2) 72 (1) 74 (1) 76-59 (1) 77 (3) 7th (1) 8 (2) 86 (1) 9 (2) 9-Year-Old (1) 90th (1) 918 (1) 95 (1) 96 (1) A (23) A (1) A.J. (1) Aadukalam (1) Aaliyah (1) Aamir (1) AAPL iPad (1) Aaron (3) Aaron-Baddeley (1) AB (1) Abandonware (1) Abbey (3) Abbey Clancy (1) ABC (2) Abdul (1) Abercrombie (2) Abidine (1) ability (1) Abortion (1) Abou-Faour (1) About (9) Abraham (1) abruptly (1) Absence (1) abuse (1) abuses (1) Academy (2) accept (1) Accepting (1) Accident (1) accidentally (1) accomplices (1) accounts (1) accusation (1) accused (1) Accuses (1) Achieving (1) Acoustic (1) Acquire (1) Acronym (1) Across (1) Act (2) Action (2) action comedy (1) Activity (1) actor (7) Actress (7) Actresses (2) Acts (1) AD (3) Adam (4) Addison’s (1) Address (3) Addresses (1) adds (1) Adelaide (1) Aditya (1) ADLS (1) Admissions (1) Admit (1) admits (3) Ado (1) Ads (1) Adsense (1) adults (1) advance (2) ADVENTURES (1) Adverse (1) advertising (1) adwords (1) Aerosmith (1) AFB (1) AFC (2) Affair (2) Afghanistan (2) africa (1) Afsar (1) After (12) Again (3) Against (10) Agassi (1) Age (1) aged (1) Ago (1) Agree (1) Aguilera (4) ahead (1) 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(1) California (7) Californication (1) Call (2) called (1) calls (4) calms (1) ƧamaĆ¾Ć½r (1) Camby (1) Camden (1) CAMERAS (1) Cameron (2) Cameron Diaz (1) Camille (3) Camino (1) Camp (1) campaign (3) Campbell (1) can (4) Can't Be Tamed (12) Canadian (2) canceled (1) cancellation (1) Cancelled (1) cancer (2) Candy (2) Cannot (1) Canton (1) Cantona (1) Canuck (1) Cape (1) Capital (1) capricorn (1) caps (1) Captain (1) Capuchin Monkey (1) Car (3) Cara (1) Caramel (1) Carbon (1) Card (3) Care (2) Career (1) Cargill (1) Carlina (3) Carlos-Bakery (1) Carlson (2) Carmelo (1) Caro (1) Carolina (2) caroline (1) Carpet (4) Carrey (2) Carrie (3) carrier (1) Carson (2) Carted (1) cartoon (1) Case (6) Casey (1) Casey-Abrams (1) Cast (1) Casting (1) Castle (1) Castro (1) Castronuova (1) Cat (1) Catcher (1) Catching (1) categories (1) Catherine Edwards (1) Catwoman (2) caught (3) Cause (1) Cavanagh (1) Cavanaugh (1) CBS (2) Cedar (1) Cee (1) celebrated (1) celebrates (4) celebration (1) Celebrity (2) Celebrity Justice (2) Celebrity News (1) celebrity style (1) celestial (1) Celine-Dion (1) cell (1) censored jesse ventura (1) Cent (1) Centennial (1) center (3) Central (3) Centre (1) Cents (1) CEO (1) Certificate (3) ces 2011 (2) Cezanne (1) chain (1) Chairman (1) chairwoman (1) chamber (1) Chambers (1) Champion (1) Champions (1) Championship (9) Chanchez (1) Chandra (1) Change (3) Change of Plans (1) Changes (5) Changs (1) channel (1) Chaos (2) chapel (1) Chapman (1) character (1) Charge (3) Charged (1) Charges (2) Charles (1) Charles Darwin astrology (1) Charlie (3) Charlie-Sheen (1) Charlotte (2) Charlotte Ross (1) Charms (1) Charo (1) Charts (1) chase (1) Chats (1) CHEATING (1) Check (2) Cheerleading (1) Chef (1) Chelsea (3) chemistry (1) Cheney (2) Cherry (2) Chest (1) Chicago (6) Chicken (1) chief (1) Chiefs Fans (1) Chiesi (1) child (3) Children (4) Chile (2) China (5) China's (1) Chinas (1) Chinese (3) Chipmunks (3) Choi (1) choice (4) choppers (1) Chopra (2) Chow (1) Chris (2) Chrishell (1) Christian (2) Christie (1) Christina (7) Christina Scavo (1) Christina-Taylor (2) Christine (2) Christmas (2) Christopher (1) Chua (1) Chuck (2) Church (3) CINEMA (3) Cino (1) cinsel (1) Cintia-Dicker (1) Cirque (1) Cities (1) Citigroup (1) citizen (1) citizens (2) City (12) City clear-out (1) Civil (1) CKhloĆ© (1) Claim (1) claims (1) Claire (1) Clancy (1) Clarence (1) Clash (1) Class (1) Classes (1) Classic (2) clear (1) Clears (1) Clemmons (1) Clerk (1) Cleveland (3) click (1) client (1) clients (1) Clijsters (1) Clinton (2) Clip (1) Clippers (3) Clooney (2) Close (1) closing (1) Closings (12) Club (2) Clues (1) CM (1) CNET (1) CNN (2) Co-Founder (1) Coach (6) Coachella (3) Coaches (2) Coaching (2) Coast (1) Coca-Cola (1) Code (1) Coinstar (1) Coke (1) Colfer (1) Collection (1) Collector (1) College (7) Collided (1) Collins (3) colours (1) Colts (1) Colts injury (1) Colts vs Jets (1) Colum (1) Columbus (1) Combined (2) Comcast (1) Comcast-NBC (1) Come (1) comedy (2) Coming Out (2) Comments (1) Commercial (1) commercials (1) commissioner (1) Commits (3) committed (1) Committee (2) Common (1) Community (2) Commute (1) Company (5) Competes (1) competing (1) competition (2) Complaints (1) complete (2) completely (1) Complications (1) Computer (1) concern (2) Concert (3) concludes (1) concurseiro urbano (1) Condition (2) conditions (1) conference (3) Confide (1) Confirmed (3) Confused (1) congressman (1) Congresswoman (3) Connected (1) Connelly (1) Conrad (1) Conspiracy (1) constant (1) Consumer (1) contain (1) Contamination (1) contenders (1) Contestant (2) contestants (1) context (1) continues (2) Control (1) Controller (1) Controversial (1) COO (1) Cook (1) cookies (1) Cooking (1) Cool (1) Cooper (1) cooperate (1) Coordinator (4) Cop (1) Copa (1) Copon (1) COPPIE (1) Core (2) Corita (1) Cornelison (2) Cornelison's (1) Cornerback (1) Cornet (1) Corporation (1) Corps (1) Cory (2) Cosa (1) cosmic (1) Cosmos (1) Costa (1) Cotillard (2) Cotton (1) Cougar (1) could (9) Counties (1) Country Strong (1) Counts (1) County (5) Couples (1) Court (3) Courtney (1) Cousin (1) Cover (1) coverage (1) Covering (1) covet (1) Cowboys (1) Cowell (4) Cowie (1) Cows (1) Coyle (1) CPI (1) CPT (1) crackdown (1) Craig (2) Craig Edward (1) Craig Rivet (1) crawl (1) Crazy (1) Crazy ideas (1) cream (2) create (3) creates (1) Creature (1) credits (2) Creek (1) Crib (1) Crime (1) crisis (1) Critical (1) Critics (2) Croatti (1) Cromartie (1) Cross-Eyed (1) Crosshairs (2) crossing (1) crown (2) cruise (1) Crush (1) Cruz (1) crybaby (1) Crystal (5) Culkin (1) Culture (1) Cup (2) currency (1) current events (1) Curtis (1) Curve (1) customers (1) Cut (1) Cutler (3) Cutler's (1) Cuts (1) Cyrus (3) D (3) D’ORO PER (1) Dabangg (1) Dad (2) Daft (1) Dahmer (1) Daily (1) daily kos (1) Dakota (1) dale turner ymca (1) Dallas (3) Daly (1) Dan (1) Dan Turton (1) dancer (1) Dancer's (1) Dances (1) Danes (1) Danger (1) Dangerfield (1) Dangerous (1) Danica (1) Daniel (3) Daniel Turton (1) Daniella-Sarahyba (1) Danielle (1) Daniels (1) Danisco (1) Danny (2) Dark (2) darkness (1) Darth (1) Data (3) Date (6) Dates (4) Dating (3) daughter (2) David (10) david icke (1) david nemeyer (1) Davis (4) Dawn Holland (1) day (13) Days (1) Daytona (1) DC (2) De (1) de la (1) de-friend (1) dead (18) deaf (1) Deal (10) Death (4) debate (2) Debbie (1) debt (1) Debut (3) Debuts (5) Decapitates (1) Deceased (1) December (1) Decision (1) Decisions (1) Deck (1) declared (2) Declares (1) dedupe (1) Deena (1) deer (1) Deewana (2) defeats (3) Defense (1) Defensive (2) del (1) Delaware (1) DeLay (1) delays (4) Delhi (1) Deliver (1) delivery (1) delle (1) Delta (1) demand (1) demands (1) demi lovato (12) Demise (1) Demolishes (1) demonstration (1) DENIED (3) denies (4) Denilson (1) Denise (1) Denmark's (1) Dennis (2) Denver (2) department (1) departs (1) Dera (1) Derby (1) derived (1) DERRICK (1) Describes (2) Designs (1) Desperate (1) details (3) Detector (1) Detergent (1) Detox (1) Detroit (3) Devadasi (1) Devastated (1) develop (1) Developer (1) developers (1) Developing (1) Devils (1) Devotional (1) DeWyze (2) DH (1) Dhobi (1) Di (1) Diagnose (1) Diaz (2) dice (1) Dick (1) Did (3) Die (1) Died (3) Diegan (1) Diego (1) Dies (11) Different (1) Difficult (2) Digest (1) Dil (1) Dilemma (3) dime (2) dinner (3) Dino (1) Diplo (1) Direct (1) director (2) directors (1) dirty (2) disappoint (1) discount (1) Discovery (1) Discuss (1) Discussion (1) Disease (1) Dish (2) Dish-Network (1) Disick (1) Dismisses (1) Disney (2) Diss (1) Distin (1) District (2) Ditches (1) Diverse (1) divorce (2) Divorced (1) DivorcĆ©e (1) Divorces (2) DJ (1) DJ Kuhlaz (1) Dmae (1) Dmitry (1) DNA (1) Do (6) Do It Like A Dude (1) doctor (3) Doctors (3) documentary (1) Does (3) doesn't (1) dog (2) Dogg (2) Dollar (1) Dolly (1) Dolphins (2) Domain (2) dominic sena (1) Domodedovo (1) Don (3) Donald (2) Donizetti-Il (1) donot (2) dons (1) Dont (2) doodle (1) Door (1) doorstep (1) Doping (2) Dosti (1) DOT (1) doubles (1) Douglas (2) Down (11) downloaded (1) Downloads (1) Downton (2) downtown (1) Dr (2) Draft (3) Drag (1) drama (3) draws (2) Dre (1) Dream (1) Dreamliner (1) Dreams (1) dress (3) Drinking (1) Drive (1) Drop (4) Droppings (1) Drowning (1) Drugs (2) Drummer (2) Drunk (2) du (1) dual-touchscreen (1) Dubbed (2) Ducks (2) Dude (1) Due (3) Duets (1) Duff (1) Duke (2) Duke Energy (1) Duke Progress Energy (1) Dumbarton (1) Duplexes (1) Dupnik (1) Dupont (1) During (2) during-lavish (1) Dusted (1) Duty (1) Duvalier (1) DVD (1) DVL (1) Dy (1) Dye (1) Dylan (1) Dynasty (1) E (1) e With (1) E.V.V (1) Eady (1) Eagle (2) Eagles (2) Eagles Injuries (1) Eagles Playoffs (1) early (2) Earmarks (1) Earn (1) Earnings (4) Earns (1) Earth (3) Earth's (1) Earthquake (6) East (3) easy (1) Ebanks (1) Ebay (1) Ebert (1) Echo (1) Echoes (1) eco fascist (1) Econ (1) economic (1) Economy (1) ecuador (1) ed gein (1) Ed Reed (1) Eddie (2) edges (1) Edition (2) Edouard (1) Eduardo (1) education (2) Edward (1) Edwards Will (1) Effect (2) EFSF (1) Eggert (1) Ehud (1) Eisenberg (1) Ejected (1) Ejuan (1) El (2) elect (1) Elected (1) elections (1) Electric (1) electro (1) Electronics (1) elephant (1) Elia (1) Elie-Tahari (1) Elisabeth (2) Elizabeth (2) Elizabeth Edwards (1) Elizabeth Edwards Death (1) Elizabeth Edwards Will (2) Elizabeth Hurley (4) Elliott (1) Elmer (2) Elycia-Turnbow (1) Emanuel (1) Embarrasses (1) Embry (1) EMC (3) Emergency (2) EMI (2) Eminem (2) Emma (2) emma watson (8) emotional (1) Empire (3) Employees (1) Empty (1) end (4) Ending (1) ends (3) Energy (2) Energy Mergers (1) Engaged (7) Engagement (3) Engine (1) England (4) Enix (2) enologico (1) Enough (1) Enquirer (1) Enrique (1) Entertainment (1) Ep (1) epic (1) Episode (8) Episodes (3) Episodes Disappearing (1) Equipped (1) Equus (1) ER (1) Era (1) Erdogan (1) Eric (2) Eric-Carmen (1) Erkeklere (1) errors (1) Eruption (1) escape (1) Etc (1) Eternal (1) Ethridge (1) Etna (2) Etten (1) Eucalyptus (1) evacuate (1) Evans (1) Evelyn Lozada (1) Evening (1) Event (1) events (1) ever (1) Everton (2) every (1) Everyone (1) Everything (1) evidence (3) evolution (1) ex (2) ex-banker (1) ex-fiancee (1) Ex-Husbands (1) Ex-Teammate (1) Ex-Wife (1) Exam (2) Examination (1) exceeds (1) Exchange (1) Excited (1) Exclusive (9) Execution (1) exes (1) Existing (1) exit (3) expands (1) expect (1) Expected (3) Expecting (3) Experiment (1) Experts (2) explain (1) Explains (1) explode (2) explodes (1) explosion (2) exposed (1) Express (1) Extend (1) extends (1) Extinguishes (1) Extraordinaire (1) Eye (1) Eyed (2) F (1) FabergĆ© (1) Faberge spider (1) Fabregas (1) Fabricated (1) face (4) facebook (14) facebook closing (1) Faces (2) Facility (1) facing (1) Factor (2) Fail (1) Failure (1) fairfax (1) Fairley (1) Fairly (1) Faithful (1) Falcons (3) Fall (2) falls (2) Falmouth (1) Fame (2) families (1) Family (7) Famous (2) fan (2) Fan. Slapped (1) fans (2) Fantasy (2) FAQs (1) farah pahlavi (1) Fare (1) Farewell (2) Farr (1) Fascist (1) Fashion (4) fatal (1) Fatburger (1) Father (2) Fathers (1) fattest (1) Favorite (1) Favre (1) Favre's (2) FBI (8) FC (1) FCW (1) Fearless (1) Fears (1) feature (3) Featured (1) Feb (1) February (3) Federal (2) Federer (1) Fedrigotti (1) Fela (1) felony (1) Female (1) Fergie (1) Ferrari (1) Ferrell (1) Ferris (1) fertiliser (1) Fest (1) Festival (1) fetish (1) feuding (1) Fey (1) FF (1) Fiance (1) fiancee (2) FIDDLER (1) field (4) Field Goals (1) Fielder (1) Fight (3) fights (1) Figure (1) file (1) Filed (1) Files (1) fill (1) fills (1) film (6) film's (1) Filmmakers (1) Final (6) Finale (2) finalists (1) Finally (1) finance (1) find (1) Finds (2) Finn (1) Fire (2) fired (1) firefighters (1) Firework (1) Firmware (1) First (9) First-Deadline (1) first-round (1) Fisher (1) Fitness (3) Five (2) Five-0 (1) five-set (1) Fix (1) flag (3) flair (1) Flamenco (1) Flashes (1) Flashing (1) Flattered (1) flaunt (1) Flexible (1) Flick (1) FLICKS (1) Flight (1) flights (1) flock (1) flood (1) Flood-hit (1) flooding (1) floods (2) Flores (1) Florian (1) Florida (1) Florida Officers (1) Florio (1) FLOWCHART (1) Fluffy (1) fo (1) Fockers (1) focus (1) Folk (1) follower (1) Fonda (1) Food (1) Foot (4) football (2) for (59) for his (1) FOR STUDIO (1) force (2) Forcier (1) Ford (1) Foreclosure (2) forest grove (1) forest grove fire and rescue (1) Forever (1) FORGET (1) Former (3) forms (1) Forsberg (1) forward (1) found (9) Found by (1) Founder (1) Founders (1) Founding (1) Fountain (1) four (2) Four-Leaf-Clover (1) fourth (2) Fox (9) Fox's (1) France (1) francesca (1) francisco (1) Franciscu (1) Franklin (1) Freak (1) Freaks (1) Fred (1) Freddie (2) free (19) Freeze (2) freezing (1) French (2) Friday (3) Friedman (1) friend (3) Friends (3) Fringe (1) Frisco (1) From (22) from DVRs (1) From Police (1) Front (1) Frontline (1) frozen (1) Fuckin (1) Fuji (1) Full (5) Full-Body (1) fundraising (1) Funeral (3) Funny (1) Furciferous (1) Furlong (1) Furniture (2) Furthur (1) Fuselier (1) future (1) G-Free Diet (1) G-String (1) GA (1) gabby giffords (1) Gabor (1) Gabor's (1) Gabrielle (7) Gabrielle Giffords (1) Gaetano (1) Gaga (4) Gaga's (1) gain (1) Gains (1) gala (1) Galleon (1) Galleries (1) Gallery (1) Gambler (1) game (24) Game-Clinching (1) games (6) Gaming (1) Gandhi (1) GarcĆ­a-LĆ³pez (1) Garden (1) Gardena (2) Garfield (1) Garrett Hedlund (1) Gary (1) Gas (1) Gasparilla (1) gather (1) Gave (1) Gay (6) Gay Lesbian and Bisexual (1) gdot. dot (1) GE (1) Geithner (1) Gellar (1) Gemma (1) Gen (1) Gene (1) General (1) Gentle (1) Geoff Fox (1) George (5) George's (1) Georgia (3) German (1) Gervais (4) Gestational Carriers (1) get (4) Gets (7) Getting (1) Ghannouchi (1) Ghat (1) Ghosts (1) Giamatti (2) Giffords (10) Giffords Shooter (1) gifts (1) Gil (1) Gillette (1) GÄ°NSENGLÄ° (1) GiovedƬ (1) girl (6) Girl Scout Cookies (1) Girlfriend (4) Girls (2) Give (1) Giveaway (1) Gives (2) GLAAD (2) Glass (3) Glasses (1) Glaucoma (2) Glaze Anagama (1) Glee (10) Glenn (1) GLITZY (1) Global (1) Globe (5) Globes (16) Glock (2) Gloria Govan (1) Gmo (1) GMT (1) GO (3) Goal Sinks Defending AFC Champs (1) (1) Bowl (1) Gods (1) Godzilla-Like (1) Goerges (1) Goes (3) Going (2) Gokey (1) Golconda (1) Gold (1) golden (23) Golden Voice (1) Goldman (1) Gomez (2) gone (2) Good (1) Goodbye (2) Goodwin (1) Google (8) google adwords (1) google agenda (1) google analytics (1) Gordon (1) gore (1) Gorgeous (1) gossip girl (1) Gov (3) government (5) governor (1) Govt (1) GPAT (1) Graf (1) graham (2) Grammer (5) Grammy (1) Grand (2) Granddaughter (1) Grandstanding (1) grant (1) Grasso (1) Great-Granddaughter (1) Greek (1) Green (17) Greene (1) greetings (1) Greg (1) Gregg (2) Greinke (1) Grenade (1) Grey (1) Griffin (2) Grilled By Cops (1) Grimes (1) Grinds (1) Grit (3) Groth (1) Group (1) Grows (1) Grueling (1) guarantee (1) guard (1) gĆ¼Ć§ (1) Gucci (1) Guest (1) Guide Magazine (1) guides (1) guilty (1) Gun (2) Gunman (3) gunshot (1) Gurls (1) Guy (2) Gwen (3) Gwyneth (1) Gwyneth Paltrow (1) GY-HM790U (1) Gyllenhaal (2) H1N1 (1) Had (1) Haggard (1) Hague (1) Hair (4) haircut (1) Haiti (2) Half (1) Half-Sister (1) Halftime (1) Hall (5) Halle (1) Hallyu (1) Hammer (1) Hand (3) Handler (1) hands (1) Hanie (4) Hannah (2) Hannah Montana 2/Meet (20) Hannibal (1) hanover terror (1) Happened (4) Happy (6) Harbaugh (2) Hardrict (2) Hardy (1) Hariri (2) Harris (1) Harrowing (1) Harry (1) harry potter and deathly hallows (23) Harvey (1) Haryana (1) has (6) Hasbro (1) Hasselbeck (1) hated (1) Hates (1) Hathaway (4) Hating (1) have (8) having (1) hawaii (5) Hawked (1) Hawker (1) haywood (1) HBO (1) he (3) He's (1) Head (5) headaches (1) Heading (3) Headlines (2) Headlining (1) heads (1) Health (2) health-care (1) Healthe (1) Heap (1) Heart (1) Heat’s (1) Heathens (1) Heaven (1) Heaven s Rain Movie review (2) Heavy (1) Hefner's (1) Heidi (1) Held (1) Helen (1) Hello (1) Help (1) helped (1) Hendricks (2) Henin (1) Her (4) Here (2) Hernandez (1) Hero (2) heroine (1) Herschel (1) heterosexual (1) Hewitt (1) Hey (1) Hezballahs (1) Hicks (1) high (9) Higher (1) Highlights (2) Highway (1) Hilarious (1) Hilary (1) Hilary-Rhoda (1) Hill (2) Hillary (1) Hillary-Clinton (1) Hills (4) Hilson (1) Hilt (1) Him (1) Himself (3) Hindi (2) Hines (1) Hints (1) Hip (2) Hippie (1) Hips (1) hire (1) hired (1) hires (1) hiring (1) his (8) Historic (1) History (3) hit (6) Hits (2) hoax (1) Hoke (1) Hold (4) Holding (1) Holiday (1) Holla (1) hollow (1) Holly (4) Hollywood (5) Holmes (1) Home (2) Homeless (3) Homeless Pets (1) homeopath (1) Homes (1) Honda (1) honduras (1) Hooters (1) Hop (1) Hope (2) hopeful (1) hopes (2) Hornet (8) horoscope (2) horoscopes (1) horror (2) horror-news (1) Horror-Thriller (1) Horse (1) Hortons (1) Hosea (1) hospice (1) hospital (3) Hospitalized (1) Host (2) Hostel (1) hosting (1) Hot (7) Hotels (1) hots (1) hotspot (1) hottie (1) hours (1) House (7) Housewives (6) Housing (1) Housley (2) Houston (1) How (6) Howard (2) Howl (1) HRC (1) Hu (4) hubris (1) Huck (1) Hudson (2) Hue (1) Huerta (1) Huffington (1) Huge (3) Huggins (1) Hugh (1) Hulu (1) Human (3) Hump (1) Humps (1) Hunt (3) Huntington (1) Hunts (1) Hurley (1) Hurt (1) Husband (8) Husbands (1) Hyperbaric (2) Hyundai (1) I (9) I ndian (1) i.d. (1) Iam (1) IBM's (1) ICAI (1) Ice (2) iCharts (1) Ichihashi (1) ICSE (1) ictims (1) idealism (1) Identified (1) IDFC (1) idiots (1) Idol (9) Idols (1) If (1) IFFCO (1) Iggy (1) Iglesias (1) II (3) IIFA (1) III (1) Illuminates (1) Illustrated (1) Image (1) Images (2) Imax (1) imminent (1) Immoral (1) Impersonated (1) importance (1) Impossible (1) in (72) In For (1) in Fraternity (1) in South (1) Inaugural (1) Inc (3) includes (2) India (7) Indian (2) Indiana (1) IndianaPolis (1) indicator (1) indictments (1) Ines (1) Inez (1) Infant (1) Infection (1) inflation (1) influenced (1) Information (2) Infrastructure (1) Ingredients (1) injure (1) injured (1) injures (1) injuries (1) Injury (5) innovators (1) insanity (1) Inside (2) Inspires (1) Instant (1) Institute (1) Instructs (1) Insurance (2) INTC (1) intends (1) intense (1) Interactive (1) Intercepts (1) Interesting (1) interim (2) internal (1) international (1) Internet (2) Interstates (1) interview (10) interviewing (1) Into (4) Introduced (1) Introduces (2) Introduction (1) investigated (1) Investigation (1) investing (1) Investment (1) Invests (1) invite (1) IOC (1) iOS (2) iPads (1) iPhone (9) iPhones (1) Ipl (1) Iran Shah Son (1) Iran Shah Son Commits Suicide (1) Iraqi (1) IRC (1) Irene (1) Irina-Shayk (1) IRPINO (1) is (20) Isabelle (1) ISC (1) ISD (2) iSeptember (1) Island (2) Islanders (1) isnot (1) isolation (1) Israel (1) Israeli (1) issues (5) It (6) Italy (2) Its (3) Ivanka (1) Ivory (1) Izabela (1) J (2) J.P (1) Jack (1) Jackson (5) Jackson-Madison (1) Jacobus (1) Jai (1) jailed (1) Jake (2) Jakhar (1) Jalee (1) Jam (2) JaMarcus (1) James (5) James Franco (2) james franco ahna o reilly (1) James Franco Girlfriend (1) James Franco Straight (1) James-Neal (1) Jamie (2) Jamie Langenbrunner (1) Jamming (1) Jan (10) Jan.11 (1) jane (3) jane krakowski (1) Jane Krakowski Pregnant (1) Jane-Russell (1) Janet (1) January (5) January Jones (1) Japan (1) Jarecki (1) Jared (2) Jared Loughner (1) Jarmila (1) Jason (2) Jay (2) Jay-Z (1) Jays (1) jean (1) Jean-Claude (1) jeans (1) Jeff (4) Jefferson (2) Jeffrey (1) jeffrey dahmer (1) Jennifer (3) Jennifer Lopez (3) Jennifer Williams (1) Jennifer Williams Marriage Update (1) Jenny (2) Jeopardy (1) Jeremy (1) Jerry (1) Jersey (3) Jesse (4) Jesse J (1) jessica (4) Jessica Alba (3) Jessica Szohr's Nude (1) Jessie (1) jets (10) Jets-Colts (1) Jets-Steelers (1) jewelry (2) Jewish (1) JFK (1) Jim (8) Jintao (3) Joan (2) job (2) Jobs (3) Jodie (1) Joe (3) joel surnow (1) Joey (1) John (11) John Edwards (2) john edwards rielle hunter (1) john edwards rielle hunter child (1) john edwards rielle hunter engaged (1) john wayne gacy (2) John Wheeler (1) Johnny (1) Johnny Depp (9) Johnny gay (1) Johnny Weir gay (1) Johnson (1) Join (2) joined (1) Joins (1) JoJo (1) Jokes (3) Jolie (1) Jon (2) Jonathan (2) Jones (2) Jordan (2) Jordan Jefferson (1) Jordin (1) Jose (3) Joseph (2) Joshi (1) Journal (1) Journalist (1) JPM (1) JPMorgan (1) JPSC (1) Jr (3) Juara (1) Judd (1) Judge (3) Judges (2) judicial (1) Juice (1) Julia (2) Julianne (1) Julie-Henderson (1) julius (1) July (2) Jumpin Jammerz · review · SkyMall (1) jumps (1) jungle (1) junior (1) Jury (1) Just (3) Justice (1) Justices (1) Justin (2) justin bieber (71) Justin-Bieber (1) JVC (1) JWoWW (1) K-Ci (1) kansas (4) Kanye (1) Kapoor (1) KAPSƜL (1) Kardashian (7) Kare (1) Kareena (2) KARIŞIM (1) karnataka (1) Karthi (1) Karzai-Medvedev (1) Kat (2) Kate (1) kate hudson (2) Katey (1) Katharine (3) Kati (1) Katie (2) Katrina Kaif (7) Katy (4) katy perry (30) Kavalan (1) KCTV5 (1) KDKA (1) Ke$ha (1) Keenan (1) Keenen (1) Keenen Ivory (1) Keenen Ivory Wayans (1) keeps (1) Keira (1) Keith (3) Kelinfeld Bridal (1) Kelly (5) Kelsey (2) Ken (1) Kennedy (2) Kensington (1) Kent (1) Kercher (1) Keri (1) Kerr (1) Kesha (1) kevjumba (1) Key (1) Keys (3) Khalifa (3) Khalil (1) khan (4) Khloe (1) Khloe Kardashian (1) Khoon (1) Kick (1) kick-off (1) Kickass (1) Kicked (2) kicks (4) Kid (2) Kidman (2) Kidnapper (1) Kidnapping (2) Kids (2) Kiley (1) Kill (2) killed (8) Killer (3) killing (1) kills (1) Kim (7) Kim Kardashian (5) Kindest (1) Kinect (1) King (12) Kings (3) kiosks (1) Kiper (1) Kiran (1) Kirk-Douglas (1) Kirshner (1) Kirst (1) Kiss (1) Kissing (1) Kitchen (1) Kizashi (2) Kluge (1) Knight (4) Knightley (1) Knox (1) KNWA .KARK-TV (1) Ko stelic (1) komu (1) Koons (1) korea (2) Kourtney (1) krakowski (1) Krenwinkel (1) Kristen (1) kristen stewart (9) KSLA (1) Kumari (1) Kurt (1) Kutcher (3) Kyle (2) Kyocera (1) kyron horman (1) Kyron horman case (1) Kyron horman development (1) Kyron horman found (1) Kyron horman foundation (1) kyron horman missing (1) Kyron horman news (1) kyw (1) L.A (1) La (2) Labor (1) Lacking (1) Lacy (1) Laden (1) Lady (7) lady gaga (26) Lagu (1) Lahore (1) Lahti (1) Lake (1) Lakers-Oklahoma (1) Lakewood (1) LaLanne (1) lamar sally (1) Lambert (3) Lameness (1) lance (1) landing (3) Landmark (1) lands (1) Langenbrunner (1) Lankan (1) laptop dock (1) Lara Dutta (1) Lara-Logan (1) Larger (1) largest (2) Larisa (1) Larry (2) Las (3) Laser (1) Lasso (1) Lassoes (1) Last (2) Lata (1) Late (1) Latest (2) launch (5) Launched (1) Launcher (1) launches (2) launching (1) laundromat (1) Laura (2) Lauren (1) Laurence (1) LAUSD (1) lava (1) LAVAGIRL (1) Law (4) Lawmakers (1) Lawn (1) Lawsuit (3) lawsuits (1) lawyer (1) Laxman (1) Lays (1) Lazy (1) Lead (6) leader (2) Leads (4) League (2) leaked (1) leatherback (1) Leave (2) Leaves (1) Lebanon (1) Lee (1) Leeves (1) left (1) leg (1) Legal (3) Legislation (1) Leighton Meester (1) Lejeune (1) Len-Lesser (1) Leon (2) Leone (1) Les (1) Les Miles (1) Les Miles Michigan (1) Lesbian (1) lets (1) level (1) Lewis (2) Lexus (1) LG (1) Li (1) Liam (2) Libel (1) libra (1) license (1) Lick (1) Lie (3) Lieberman (2) Life (7) Lifestyle (2) Lifewater (1) Lights (1) Like (2) Likely (3) likes (2) Lil (2) Lil' (1) Lilies (1) Lincoln (1) Linda (2) Lindbergh (1) Lindsay (2) Lindsay Lohan (1) Lindsey (1) Line (3) Lineups (1) Links (1) Linney (1) Lisa (2) list (5) Lite (1) Literary (1) LITTLE (4) little-known (1) Live (20) live stream (1) live to dance judges (1) lived (1) Liverpool (2) Livestock (1) Lizard (1) Lo (1) Loans (1) Lobos (1) Local (2) local-news (1) locations (1) Locker (1) login (1) logjam (1) Lohan (1) Lombardi (1) London (3) Lonely (1) Long (1) Look (5) Looking (2) looks (3) looks Pregnant (1) Lopez (6) lopsided (1) Los (5) los angeles (1) lose (2) Lose by Five (1) Loser (2) loses (2) Loss (3) Losses (1) Lost (1) lot (2) Loughner (4) Love (13) Lovefilm (1) Lover (1) Loves (1) Low (1) Lower (1) LS460L - Comparison (1) LSU (2) lte (1) lublin (1) Lucky (2) Luftslottet (1) Luis (1) Lukomska (1) lundsten (1) Luther (5) luxury (1) Lynch (2) lyrics (44) Lythgoe (4) M ovie (1) Maaf (1) Mac (2) Macaulay (1) Mack (1) Madawaska (1) Madison (3) Madonna (1) Mae (1) Mafia (1) mag cover (1) Magazine (1) Magnitude (2) magnitude-hits (1) Magpantay (1) Maharashtra (1) Maher (1) Maine (1) mainstream (1) Major (2) Makar (2) Make (1) Makes (8) Makeup (1) malaria (1) Malaysian (1) Malcolm (1) Malcolm-Jamal (2) Male (1) Malegam (1) Malik (3) Mallika (1) Mallika Sherawat (1) Mamma (1) man (11) Man with (1) Manage (1) Managers (1) Manchester (1) Mandela (2) Mandela's (1) Mane (1) Manet (1) Mangeshkar (1) Manscaper (1) manslaughter (1) Manson (1) Manuela (1) many (2) Map (7) Mara (1) Marathi (1) marathon (2) March (3) marches (1) Marcos (1) Marcus (3) Margaret (1) Maria (3) Marie (1) Marilyn (1) Marine (1) Marion (2) Marisa Miller (1) Mark (2) mark zuckerberg (1) Market (3) market-crawl (1) Marks (1) Maroney (1) Marquis (1) Marrakech (1) Marriage (2) married (1) Mars (1) Marshall (3) Marshawn (1) Mart (1) Martell (1) Martha (1) Martin (5) Martina (1) Maruti (2) Marvin (3) Mary (1) Mary Bono (1) Mary Bono Mack (1) Mary Bono Mack Photo Scandal (1) Mary Bono Mack Photos (2) Mary Bono Mack Pictures (1) maryland bomb (1) maryland staged terror (2) maryland terror (1) maryland terrorism (1) masks (1) Mason (2) Massachusetts (1) Massacre (1) massage (1) Massive (1) Masterpiece (2) Masters (1) Mataram (1) Matarm (1) Match (1) Matchmaker (2) matchup (1) Mating (1) Matlosz (1) Matt (2) matt leblanc (1) Matthew (1) Matthews (1) Mattison (1) Maurice (1) Max (1) Max Jean-Gilles (1) Maxim (1) may (9) Mayawati (1) Maybe I’m just gay (1) Mayock (1) Mayor (2) Mazza (1) MBC (1) MBTA (2) MCA (1) McAreavey (1) McBride (1) mccallum (1) McDermott (1) McGee's (1) McGhee-Sextuplets (2) McIntyre (1) McKinney (1) McLean (1) McPhee (2) McPhees (1) me (4) Meaghan (1) mean (2) meant (1) measure (1) Meat (1) mechanics (1) Meche (1) Media (2) media matters (1) Medical (2) Medium (1) Medvedev (1) Meet (2) meets (1) Meg (1) Mega (1) Mega Millions (1) Megan (1) Megan Mcallister (1) Mehta (1) Mel (1) Melissa (2) Member (1) memorial (1) Memphis (1) Men (8) Mendenhall (2) Mercedes-Benz (1) Merchandise (1) Mercola (1) Mercury (3) Mercury News (3) Meredith (1) merely (1) Merkel (1) Merritt (1) message (3) messages (1) metal (1) metals (1) Meth (1) Method (1) Metro’s (1) Mexico (2) Mia (2) Miami (2) Miami-Dade (1) Michael (4) michael jackson (25) Michaela (1) Michele (1) Michelle (4) Michigan (2) Mickelson's (1) Microfinance (1) Microsoft (1) microwave (1) mid-market (1) Mid-South (1) Middle (1) MIDI (1) Might (1) Mighty (1) Mike (5) Miles (1) Miley (2) miley cyrus (35) Military (1) Millepied (1) million (5) million dollar money drop (1) Millionaire (2) Millions (1) Milton (1) Mind (2) miniseries (1) Minister (2) ministry of home affairs (1) Minivan (1) Minnesot (1) Minnesota (1) Minutes (2) Miranda (1) Mirapakaya (1) Mirza (1) Miscarriage (1) mishap (2) Miss (13) Misses (1) Missing (2) Mission (1) Missouri (2) Mitchell (3) Mitrione (1) mixed (1) MLA (1) MLK (2) MMA (1) MNP Implemented (1) mobile (5) Mobsters (1) Mock (1) Model (2) Modern (1) modesty (1) modot (1) Mohamed (1) Mohammad Pahlavi (1) Mohammed (1) mom (6) moment (1) Mon (1) Monday (1) Monet's (1) Money (3) Monitor (1) monitoring (1) Monjack (1) Monkey Pictures (1) Monkeys (1) Monoxide (1) Monroe (1) Monster (1) Montana (2) Monterey (1) Month (1) Monthly (1) Moon (1) Moore (2) Mora (1) Moralizing (1) more (8) Morehouse College (1) MorehouseCollege (1) Morgan (3) Morning (2) Morocco (1) Morrison (1) Morse (1) Morsel (1) Morty (1) Mosaic (2) Moscow (1) Most (4) Mosul (1) Mother (1) Mothers (2) Motorcycle (1) motorola (2) motorola bionic (1) motorola mobility (1) motorola xoom (1) MotorolaBionic (1) MotorolaXoom (1) Mount (2) Mourns (1) Move (4) Moves (5) Movie (55) Movie Review (3) movie- Preview (1) Movieline (1) Movies (6) Mowry (4) mp3 (14) Mr (1) MRVL (1) MSNBC (3) MTV (1) Much (3) mud (1) Mueller (1) Mug (1) Mugler (1) Multi-Use (1) mum (1) Mumbai (1) Murder (4) murdered (1) Murdoch (1) Murphy (1) Murphy's (1) Murray (2) Museum (1) Musgrave (1) Music (9) Musicals (1) Muslims (1) Must-Have (1) Mustang (2) My (12) Myanmar (1) Mystery (2) Mythology (1) NAACP (1) Nab (1) NABJ (1) Nabokov (1) Nadal (4) Nadiwrath (1) Nadya (2) Name (3) Named (2) names (1) NAMM (1) Napoli (1) Napolitano (1) NASA (1) NASCAR (1) NASDAQ (2) NASDAQ:AAPL (1) Nassau (1) Nastiest (1) Natalie (9) Natalie-Munroe (1) Nation (1) National (9) Naturally (1) navigator (1) Navy (1) NBC (3) NBC’s (1) nbc10 (1) NCAA (1) NCIS (2) NE (1) Neal (1) Nearly (2) Nebraska (4) Need (2) Neeson (1) Neetu (1) Neighborhood (1) Nelson (7) Nervous (1) nesil (1) Nest (1) net (1) NetApp (1) Nets (3) Network (4) Networking (1) new (59) New Orleans (1) new york (2) New Zealand (1) Newest (1) Newhart (1) News (38) news-articles (1) NewsFeed (1) NewYork (1) Next (1) Nexus (1) Neymar (1) NFC (3) NFL (14) Nichols (1) Nick (1) Nickel (1) Nicks (1) nicolas cage (1) Nicole (2) Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi (1) Nicole Kidman (2) Nigel (2) Nigerian (1) Night (4) nihilism (1) Nihilistic (1) Niittymaki (1) Nikkei (1) Nintendo (1) Nipple (1) NJ (3) NKOTB (1) no (12) Nokia (1) Nolan (1) nominated (2) nomination (1) nominations (3) Nominee (2) Nominees (3) Non-Story (1) Noor (1) North (5) Nose (1) Nostra (1) Not (17) Note (1) Nothing (1) notice (1) noticed (1) Nouri (1) Novellus (1) Now (5) Nowhere (1) NOZZE (1) NPCIL (2) NSO (1) NtB (1) Nuclear (2) Nude (2) Numark (1) number (5) Numbers (4) Nunn (1) Nurse (1) nw natural gas (1) NY (5) NYC (3) nycdoe (1) NYSE (1) NYSE:T (1) NYSE:VZ (1) NYT (2) Oakland (1) Oates (1) Obama (19) Obispo (1) Objectifying (1) obsessed (1) Obstruct (1) Obtain (1) occ (1) Occupation (1) Ocean (1) Oct. (1) Octomom (1) odi (1) Odyssey (1) of (63) of Dorset (1) Off (14) Off the Map (1) offensive (4) offer (1) Offers (3) Offic (1) office (6) Officer (4) officers (2) Official (1) Official’s (1) Officials (1) Offshore (1) Ohio (4) Oil (1) Okafor (1) oklahoma (1) Olbermann (3) old (2) Old-People (1) Oleynik (1) Oliver-Wendell-Holmes (1) Olsen (1) Omarion (1) on (71) on lack (1) ON THE (1) one (9) one-wicket (1) One-Year (1) Online (43) Onlineseats (1) onlinetv (1) Only (3) Only Girl (1) Only Girl (In The World) (1) Open (6) opened (1) Opening (2) Opera (1) Ophiuchus (2) OPM (2) Opossum (1) opportunity (1) opposition (1) Oprah (6) Oprah Winfrey (5) optimistic (1) Option (3) Or (3) orange (1) Ordeal (1) Order (1) orders (4) Oregon (2) org (1) Origins (1) orkin (1) Orlando (1) Orleans (1) Orthodontist (1) Osama (1) Oscar (3) OT (1) Otalgia (1) other (1) Our (2) Out (11) Outage (1) Outcome (1) Outfit (1) Outlook (1) outs (1) outside (1) Ovation (1) Over (18) Over-Paying (1) overnight (1) Overrated (1) Override (1) Overview (1) Owen (2) Owl (1) own (4) owner (3) Oxygen (1) Oz (1) Pacific (1) package (2) Packers (15) Padma (1) Page (1) Pageant (3) Pagla (2) pain-filled (1) Pak (1) Pakistan (4) Pakistan not (1) Palestinian (1) Palin (7) Palin's (3) Palladin (2) Palm (1) Palmer (1) pamela anderson (6) pancreatic (1) Panel (1) Panthers (1) Pants (1) Panty (1) Paolilla (1) Parade (2) paRayde (1) parenting (2) Parents (3) Paris (2) Paris Hilton (3) Park (2) Parker (1) Parking (2) Parks (1) Parliament (1) parole (1) Part (5) Participants (2) Parties (1) Parting (1) Partisan (1) Parton (1) Party (7) PASADENA (1) Pass (1) Passed (2) passenger (1) passes (4) Pastor (1) Pat (2) Pat Summerall (1) Pat-Downs (1) Patching (1) patdown (1) Patel (1) Patent (1) Path (1) Patiala (1) patient (1) Patricia (2) Patrick Riley (1) PatrickRiley (1) Patriots (4) Pattinson (1) Paul (6) Paula (1) Pawlenty (1) pay (3) payout (1) Payton (1) Paz (1) PBS (1) PC (2) PDA (1) peace (2) peacocks astrology (1) Pearce (1) Pearl (1) Peas (2) Peek (1) Pefect (1) Pele (1) pension (1) Pentagon (1) Pentalobe (1) People (3) People's (1) peoples (1) Pepsi (1) percent (2) Perfect (3) Perform (1) Performance (3) Performing (2) Performs (1) Perry (4) Person Of Interest (1) personal (1) Peru (1) Peter (2) Peter Carl FabergĆ© (1) Petersburg (1) pets dead (1) Pettway (2) Pf (1) PG (1) PGA (1) Phelps (1) Philadelphia (4) Philbin (3) Phillippe (1) phoenix (1) Phone (4) Photo (4) Photos (12) Physical (2) pianist (1) pic (1) Picket (1) Pickett (1) Picks (2) PICS (3) picture (1) Picture of the Day (1) Pictures (11) Pictures of Monkey (1) Pienaar (2) Piers (2) pilgrims (1) pilot (1) Pima (1) Pimp (1) Pinay (1) Pinewood (1) Pink (4) Pioneers (1) Pipe (1) Piranha (1) pirania (1) Pirate (1) pisces (2) Pistols (1) Pitt (1) Pittsburgh (5) place (2) plan (2) Planck (1) plane (1) Planes (1) Planning (1) Plans (6) Plants (1) play (3) PLAY4INDIA (1) Playboy (3) Played (1) Player (2) Playing (1) Playmaker (1) Playoff (3) playoff game (1) Playoffs (3) Plaza (1) pledge (1) plunged (1) plunging six floors (1) pneumonia (1) Pnina Tornai (1) Point (1) Points (2) Poisoning (1) Polamalu (2) police (9) policies (1) Policy (1) Polish (1) Political (1) POLITICO (1) politics (1) Politics News (3) Politix (2) Pon (1) ponder (1) Pooch (3) Pool (1) Pop (1) popcrunch (1) pope (2) Popular (3) Popular Culture (1) porn (1) Porsche (1) port (1) portability (1) Porter (1) porting (1) Portman (8) Posco (1) Posie (1) position (1) Post (1) Post Super (1) posted (1) Postgame (1) posts (1) Pot (1) Potato (1) Potemkin (1) Potential (1) Pounds (1) power (2) Powers (1) ppm (1) Practice (1) practices (2) Prader (1) Praise (2) praises (2) Pratt (1) pray (1) Predictions (2) Predicts (3) Pregnancy (4) Pregnant (12) preliminaries (1) Premier (3) Premiere (5) premio (1) Prepared (1) Prepares (1) preparing (1) Prequel (3) Presentation (1) Presenters (1) presents (2) President (9) Presley (1) Press (2) press-conference (1) Pressures (1) Pretty (2) prevails (1) Preview (4) Previn (1) Price (3) Prices (2) Priebus (1) primer (2) Primetime (1) Prince (4) Prince Reza Pahlavi (1) Prison (2) prison planet (1) Private (1) Priyanka (3) Pro (1) probable (1) probe (1) Problems (1) prodigy (1) producer (3) producers (1) production (1) Profile (1) profit (3) program (3) Progress (1) Progress Energy (1) PROHD (1) Projections (1) Prokhorov (1) promises (1) promo (2) Promote (1) promoted (1) Promoter (1) PROMOTIONS (1) Pronounce (1) propel (1) Propulsion (1) prosecutor (1) prospects (1) prosthetic (1) prostitution (1) Protest (1) protests (1) Proud (1) provided (1) Provocative (1) Prozac (1) PS3 (1) PSP (1) Psycho (1) PT (1) Public (4) public schools (1) Pulls (2) Punch (1) Pune (2) Punk (2) Punta (1) Purchase (1) Purity (1) pursuit (1) Push (1) pushes (1) Put (1) Puts (2) Putting (1) Pyaasa (1) Pyzalska (1) Q (1) Q3 (2) QB (4) Quake (1) Quality (2) quarter (1) Quarterback (1) quarterly (1) Queen (4) Queensland (2) Question (1) Questions (1) Quick (1) Quit (1) Quits (1) Quotations (1) Quotes (5) Qwiki (1) r (3) r a (1) Race (2) Rachel (2) Racket (1) Radar (1) Radio (2) radio team (1) Radioactive (1) Rafael (3) Rafer (1) Raging (1) Rahm (1) Rahm Emanuel (1) Rai (1) Raiders (1) Rails (1) Rain (1) Raise (1) Rajasthan (2) Raji (1) Rallies (1) Rally (1) Ramos (1) Ramps (1) Randi (1) Randy (1) Range (1) Ransom (1) rape (1) Rapids (1) Rare (1) Rascals (1) Rashad (1) Rashard (2) Rath (1) Rating (1) Ratings (2) Ratna (1) raven (1) raven-symone (1) Ravens (4) Ravi (1) Ray (2) Raymond (1) Raz-B (1) RBI (1) RBS (1) reach (2) Reaches (1) Reaction (2) Reacts (3) Reading (1) ready (1) Real (7) Real Horoscope (1) Reality (1) really (4) rearrested (1) reboot (1) Recalled (2) Recap (3) Recaps (1) reception (1) Recipes (2) Recipestime (1) recognizes (1) Record (3) Recorded (1) records (1) recover (1) Recovery (1) Recreation (1) Recruitment (1) Red (7) red-handed (1) Redbox (1) Redefining (1) redesigned (1) Redford (2) reduces (1) reductions (1) Reeves (1) reflection (1) Reflects (1) Refund (1) refusing (1) Regina (2) regina king (1) Regions (2) Regis (3) Registered (1) regularly (1) Regulation (1) Rehab (5) Rehman (1) Reid (2) reignites (1) Reince (1) reinvigorated (1) rejects (3) rejoin (1) relations (1) Relationships (2) Relatively (1) release (9) released (2) Releases (2) Relic (1) Relief (2) remains (1) removed (1) Renaissance (1) renewable (1) renewals (1) renewing (1) Renner (1) rental (1) Rep. Mary Bono Mack (1) repeal (2) Replacement (1) Replaces (1) ReporT (4) Reported (2) Reportedly (1) Reporter (1) Reports (8) reprise (1) Republic (4) reserve (1) reshaped (1) Reshoots (1) Reshuffle (1) Reshuffle. Prithviraj. Chavan (1) reshuffles (1) Residence (1) residents (3) Resistance (1) Resort (2) Resorts (1) Responds (1) Response (1) responsibility (1) rest (1) Result (1) Results (9) Retail (1) Retailers (1) retire (2) retired (1) Retirement (1) retiring (2) return (2) returns (2) reunion (1) Reunite (2) Revaluation (1) Reveal (2) revealed (1) reveals (4) Revenue (2) review (55) Reviews (3) Rewards (1) Rex (1) Rey (1) Reynolds (2) Reznor (1) Rhapsody (1) Rhimes (1) Rhode (1) Rhodesia (1) Rhymes (1) Rica (1) Rice (1) rich rod (1) rich rodriguez (1) Richards (3) Ricky (6) Ride (1) riders (1) Ridley (1) rift (1) right (1) Right-Wing (1) rihanna (11) Rihanna - Only Girl (1) Rilo (1) Ring (1) Ringer (1) rings (1) rioter (1) RIP (3) Rise (1) Rises (2) Rising (1) risk (4) Ritchie (1) Rituals (1) rivals (1) Rivera (1) Rivers (2) RNC (1) road (5) roadway (1) Roadways (1) Roast (1) Robert (4) Robert Pattinson (14) Roberts (1) Robinho (1) Robot (1) robust (1) Rock (8) Rockets (1) Rocks (1) Rod (1) Roddick (2) Rodeo (1) Rodgers (2) Rodney (2) Rodriguez (1) Roethlisberger (2) Rogen (1) Roger (1) role (5) Roll (2) rolls (1) Romance (4) romantic (1) Rome (1) Ron (1) ron perlman (1) Ronald (1) Ronnie (1) ROOF (1) Rookie (1) Room (2) Rooney (1) Roque (1) Rose (5) Rosenthal (1) Rosneft (1) Ross (1) Roster (2) Rosters (1) Rosy (1) Rotation (1) Rottmans (1) Roulette (1) Round (1) Round-Up (1) roundup (2) rousing comeback (1) Route (1) Routes (1) Routine (1) Royal (4) royalties (1) Royce Reed (1) RSR (1) RSRTC (1) RTU (1) Rubacuori (1) Ruben (1) Ruby (2) rudest (1) Rudolf (2) Rukh (2) Rule (1) rules (1) Rum (1) Rumble (1) rumbles (1) Rumor (1) Rumors (3) rumour (1) rumours (1) Run (2) Running (2) RuPaul (1) rush limbaugh (1) Russell (1) Russian (4) Ruthless (1) Ryan (5) Ryan Mallett (1) Ryan-Widmer (1) Rye (1) S (1) s Arizona (2) S chmidt (1) S06E01 (1) Saad (1) Saali (1) Sabarimala (1) Sacha (1) Sachs (1) sadness (1) safeguarded (1) Sagal (1) Sagittarius (1) Sahyadri (1) Said (1) Saint-Killing Run (1) Saints (1) Saints-Seahawks (1) Sainz (1) Salander (1) sale (2) salena gomez (18) sales (3) Sallie (1) Sally (1) Sally. Young (1) Salman (1) Salman Taseer (1) Salt (1) Salvatore (1) Sam (3) Sammi "Sweetheart" Giancola (1) San (6) San Benito (1) San Francisco 49ers (1) San Jose (3) Sanchez (1) Sanctum (1) Sanctum (2011) (1) Sanctum movie (1) Sandra (4) sandwich (1) Sania (1) Sankranti (3) Santa (1) Santos (1) Sara (1) Sarah (11) Sarah Palin (1) Sargent (3) Sasha (1) satellite (2) Satsang (1) Saturday (3) Satyanarayana (1) Sauda (1) Save (1) Saverin (1) Savoy (1) Say (4) says (13) SC (1) scam (1) scandal (1) Scandalous (1) Scanlan (2) Scanners (1) scare (1) Scared (1) Scars (1) Scenario (1) Scene (1) Scenesters (1) Schedule (8) Scheyer (2) schiavone (1) Schizo (1) Schneider (1) Scholarship (1) School (23) schools (3) Schumer (1) Sciences (1) Scientists (1) Scoop (1) Scor (1) Score (6) Scorecard (1) Scores (2) Scott (3) Scott’s (1) Scottsdale (1) screen big-budget (1) Screening (1) screwdriver (1) Screwed (1) screws (1) Script (1) SDK (1) Sea Monkeys (1) Seacrest (2) Seahawks (4) Seahawks-Bears (2) Seal (2) SEALs (1) Sean (1) Searching (1) Sears (1) Sease (1) season (11) season of the witch (1) second (2) Seconds (1) secret (5) Secretariat (1) Secretary (1) Secrets (2) Section (1) Sector (1) Security (1) see (3) Seeing (1) seek (1) seeking (1) seeks (2) Seen (1) Seized (1) SELECTS (1) Selena (2) Selina (1) Selita (1) Sell (1) Selling (1) Selma (2) Semester (1) semifinal (1) Senate (1) Senator (1) Send (2) sending (1) sends (1) Senior (1) Sensation (1) Sentenced (2) sentiment (1) Separating (1) Sequel (1) Serena (1) Serendipity (1) Serene (1) Series (8) Serious (2) Serum (1) Service (4) Services (3) set (7) sets (1) Sevenfold (1) Sevilla (1) Sex (9) sexy (1) Seyfried (1) Seymour's (1) Shah (2) Shahbaz (1) shahi (1) Shahid (1) Shailey (1) Shake (1) Shake-Up (1) Shakers (1) Shakes (1) Shakira (3) (1) shame (1) Shameless (1) Shamrock (1) Shane (2) shania-twain (1) Share (2) shares (2) SHARKBOY (1) Sharon (1) Shashi. Tharoor (1) she turned me into a newt (1) shed (1) Sheen (3) Sheisse (1) Sheldon (1) Shelf (1) Shep (1) Sherawat (1) Sheriff (1) shifted (1) Shine (1) Shingles (1) Shock (1) shocked (1) shoes (1) Shonda (1) Shook (1) Shoot (1) Shooted (1) Shooter (1) Shooting (11) Shootings (1) Shootout (1) Shoots (1) Shop (2) Shore (3) Short (2) short-list (1) shortly (1) Shorts (1) Shot (7) Should (3) Show (19) Showing (1) Shown (1) shows (2) showtime (2) Shri (1) Shrine (1) Shriver (3) Shriver's (1) Shriver’s (1) Shula (1) Shurmur (1) Shut (1) shutdown (1) Shutting (1) Shuttle (1) Sibling (1) Sibylle (1) Sicane (1) Side (3) Sierra (1) Sigma (1) Sign (4) Significant (1) signs (5) Silent (1) Silverman (1) Silverstone (2) Silvio (1) Simon (6) Simon Cowell (1) Simpson (1) Since (2) sing (2) singe (1) singer (3) Singing (1) Single (5) Singles (1) Singletary (1) sip (1) Sir (1) Siruthai (1) Sista (1) Sister (4) Sisterly (1) sisters (5) Sitcom (1) Site (1) Sites (1) Six (1) Size (1) Sizzling (1) Skate (1) Skeet (1) skills (1) Skimpy (1) SKINS (5) skirts (1) Sky (1) Slain (2) Slam (2) Slammed (1) slams (1) Slapping (1) Slaps (1) slate (1) Slayer (1) sleet (1) Slideshow (1) slim (1) Slope (1) Sloppy (1) Slow (1) Sludge (1) SM (2) small-scale (1) smart (1) SmartBall (1) Smarter (1) Smartphone (2) Smiles (1) smiling (1) Smith (3) sms (4) Sneak (1) SNL (1) Snooker (1) Snooki (2) Snoop (2) Snow (9) Snowbound (1) so (1) soar (1) SoBe (1) Soccer (1) Socia (1) Social (6) social network (1) social networking (1) Soderling (1) sof (1) Sofia (1) sofworld (1) Solar (1) Soldier (1) soldiers (1) solid gold dancers (1) Sollar Shingless (1) Solution (1) som (1) Some (2) some-non (1) Somewhat (1) Son (1) Sonam (1) Song (19) Songs (12) Sony (1) soon (3) Soon-To-Be (1) soothe (1) Sophia (1) Sorkin (1) Sorority (1) sorry (2) SOTU (1) Soul (2) Source (1) Sources (3) south (4) Southwestern (1) Space (2) spacing (1) Spangled (1) sparks (1) Spartacus (3) speak (1) speaker (1) Speaking (1) speaks (2) Spears (4) special (1) Specifications (1) Specs (2) spectrum (1) speech (5) Speeding (1) Spencer (1) Spider (1) Spider Monkeys (1) spill (2) Spin-off (2) Spirited (1) Split (2) Splits (1) Spoilers (1) Spoke (1) sponsorship (1) Spoofing (1) Sports (4) Spotted (2) sprƤngdes (1) spray (1) Spreads (2) Spring (1) Springfield (1) Springs (2) Sprint (2) Square (2) Squirrel Monkey (1) Sri (1) Sri Krishna (1) sri krishna committee report on telangana (1) srikrishna committee (1) srikrishna committee report (1) SriLankan (1) SSC (1) St (2) stability (1) stadium (3) Stafon (1) stage (2) Stalker (1) stampede (1) stand (1) Standing (1) standings (1) star (7) Starbucks (1) Starbucks Logo (1) staring (1) starring (1) Stars (2) start (4) Starting (1) Starts (2) Starz (1) state (15) state-funded (1) Statement (1) States (5) Statue (1) status (1) Stause (1) Stay (2) staying (1) Stealing (1) stealth (1) steel (1) Steelers (11) Steelers-Jets (2) steelmaker (1) Stefani (3) Steffi (1) Stench (1) Stephanie (1) Steps (3) Stern (2) Steroids (1) Steve (4) Steve Buckley (1) Steve Buckley Gay (1) Steven (4) Stevie (1) Steward (1) Stewart (2) Stewart Bradley (1) Stewart's (1) still (6) Stimulus (1) Sting (3) Stock (4) STOCKS (1) Stokley (1) Stone (1) Stood (1) Stop (1) Storage (1) Store (1) Stores (2) Stories (1) storm (4) storms (1) Story (1) Stosur (1) Straight (2) stranded (1) Strangler (1) Strategy (1) streak (1) Stream (3) Streaming (1) Street (2) streets (1) strengthen (1) stretch (1) Strikes (2) Strings (2) Strips (2) Stroke (1) Strokes (1) strong (1) struck (1) Studdard (1) Student (3) students (2) Studio (1) study (2) stump (1) stunning (1) Style (2) Styler (1) styles (1) substance (2) Suburban (1) Subway (3) Succeed (2) Success (1) Successful (1) Sucker (1) Sudan (1) Sudden (1) sudden-acceleration (1) Sudeikis (1) sue (2) sued (4) Suffers (1) Sugar Bowl (1) Suggs (1) Suicide (3) suing (2) Suite (1) Suleman (2) Summer (1) Summerall (1) Summit (1) Sundance (7) Sunday (1) Super (11) Super-8 (1) Super-G Race (1) super-strong (1) Superbowl (2) superhero (1) Superman (1) Supermodel (1) supernova (1) Superstar (1) Superstitious (1) superstorm (1) supplies (1) Support (2) supported (1) Supporting (1) Supreme (1) Suraksha (1) surf (1) surgery (1) Surihani (1) surprise (1) Surprises (1) Surprising (1) surrogate (1) Susannah (1) Suspect (3) suspect's (1) Suspect’s (1) Suspected (2) suspension (1) Suspicious (1) Suzie Ketcham Basketball Wives (1) Suzuki (2) Swan (2) Swanson (2) swears (1) Sweden (1) sweep (2) Sweet (1) Sweetin (1) Swift (1) Swimsuit (1) Swirl (1) Swiss (3) Switch (1) Sword (1) Syfy (2) Sylvain (1) symone (1) Syndal (1) Syndrome (1) Syracuse (1) System (1) Systems (1) Szaggars (1) Szohr (1) t (1) T op (1) Table (1) table-border (1) tablet (1) Tacks (1) Taco (3) tailgaters (1) Take (8) taken (1) takes (6) Taking (2) Talent (3) Talia (2) Talk (4) talking (1) talks (4) Tamera (1) Tampa (2) Tango (1) Taps (2) target (5) target stores (1) Targets (2) Tart (1) Tastes (1) Tata (1) Tate (1) Tatsuya (1) tattoo (1) taurus (1) Tax (1) TaxSlayer.Com (1) Taylor (4) taylor swift (46) tbs (1) tClear (1) TCS (1) TD (1) TE (1) Tea (1) team (3) Teammate (1) teams (1) teases (1) Tebow (1) Tech (1) Technology (1) Ted (6) ted bundy (1) ted williams (1) teen (4) Teen-Mom (1) Teenage (1) Teens (1) Tegan and Sara (1) Teja’s (1) Telangana (1) telangana report (1) telecom (1) Telephone (1) television (1) Tell (2) tells (2) Telugu (1) Tenant (1) Tennessee (1) tennis (1) Tension (1) Teresa (3) Term (2) Terre (1) Terrell (1) Terrence (1) Terrible (2) terrorism (1) terrorism staged maryland (1) Terry McMillan (1) TerryMcmillan (1) test (3) Testolini (1) Tests (1) Tevez (1) Tew (1) Texas (1) texas chainsaw massacre (1) textbooks (1) th (1) Than (4) Thanksgiving (1) That (5) the (114) The Bears (1) the blaze (1) The Cape (3) The Cape TV (1) THE CRAIGSLIST KILLER (1) The Green Hornet (1) the history channel (1) The Jersey Shore (1) the kennedys (1) The Time Of Our Lives (7) the y (1) The-Bad-Seed (1) Theater (1) Their (2) then (2) Theory (1) therapeutics (1) therapist (1) Therapy (1) There (3) Theta (1) Thewless (1) They (3) Thief (1) Thierry (1) things (3) Third (1) Third-String (1) This (7) Thomas (1) Thorpe (2) thought (1) Thoughts (1) thousands (1) Thousands of Birds (1) thrash (1) thrashing (1) Thread (1) threatened (1) Threatening (1) threatens (1) threats (1) Three (3) thriller (1) throat (1) through (2) thrown (1) Thundercats (1) Tia (4) Ticket (1) Tickets (4) Tickler (1) tied (1) TiĆ«sto (1) Tiffany (3) Tiffany Rubin (1) Tiger (2) TigerDroppings (1) Tigers (3) tight (1) Tilly (1) Tim (4) Tim McGraw (1) TIME (4) Times (3) Tina (1) Tiny (1) tipped (1) Tips (1) Tirana (1) Tirunelveli (1) Tish (1) TISS (1) title (2) Tittle-Tattle (1) TLC (1) tnt (1) to (102) to collect (1) to go (1) to Help (1) to sue NHS (1) Today (8) todd (4) together (1) Told (2) Tom (7) Tomic (1) Tomlin (1) Tomorrow (2) toned (1) Tonight (10) Tony (2) too (1) Top (9) TopEarning (1) Tops (4) topu (1) Toreador (1) Toronto (1) torrent (1) Torrents (1) Tostitos (1) TOTALLY (1) Totals (1) Tottenham (1) touch (1) Touchdowns (1) Touched (1) tough (1) tougher (1) Tour (3) Toward (1) Towel (1) tower (1) Town (2) Toxic (1) Toyota (1) Track (1) Tracy (1) Tracy Anderson (1) Trade (3) traded (1) trading (1) Tradition (1) Tragedy (1) Trail (2) trailer (13) Trailers (22) Train (1) Trainer (1) traits (1) Tramon (1) Tranquility (1) transfer (2) Transformers (1) Translator (1) transmitters (1) Transparency (1) travel (3) Travelers (1) Treasury (1) TreasuryHunt (1) (1) Treasurys (1) Treatment (1) tree (1) trend (1) Trends (1) Trent (1) Trenta (1) Trevor-Bayne (1) trial (2) Trichet (2) Tried (1) Tries (1) Trim (1) trip (1) Triple (1) Tripp (1) Trish (1) Troops (2) trouble (1) trousers (1) Troy (3) Trudie (1) True (3) Trufant (2) Trump (2) Truth (1) Try (1) TSA (2) tube (1) TuboTax (1) tucson (10) Tucson After Shooting (1) Tucson girl (1) Tuesday (1) Tulsa (1) tumor (1) Tune (1) Tunes (1) Tunisia (5) Tunisian (1) turbulent (1) Turn (1) Turns (1) turtles (1) Turton (1) TV (15) Tv Shows (57) Twin (1) Twins (2) Twister (2) Twitter (2) Two (4) Two Costly (1) Tyler (3) U.S (9) Uche (1) UFC (2) UK (1) Ulrich (1) un-unscrewable (1) UNC (2) uncertainty (1) Unclaimed (1) underage (2) Undercover (2) undercut (1) Understand (1) underwhelmed (1) Underwood (2) undies (1) Unemployment (3) UNEXPECTED (3) UniFirst (1) Union (6) unions (1) United (1) university (3) unlikely (2) Unmasks (1) Unredeemed (1) unveils (1) Up (18) up an Earthquake (1) Upcoming (1) update (6) Updates (5) Upgraded (1) Upgrades (1) Upset (1) Uranus in Aries (1) Urban (2) urged (1) urges (2) US (12) us cellular (1) USA (4) USC (1) use (1) used (1) user (1) Usher (1) using (2) Utah (2) utorrent (1) v (4) Vacancy (1) vacation (1) Vaccines (1) Vader (1) Valdosta (1) Valens (1) Valentine (2) Valentine's (1) Valley (1) Vampire's (1) Vampires (1) Van (2) Vande (1) Vandenberg (1) Vanessa (1) vanessa hudgens (7) Vanishing (1) Varun (1) vaulted (1) Veena (3) vegan (2) Vegas (6) Vegemite (1) Ventura’s (1) Venus (2) Verecund (1) Verizon (7) VerizonWireless (1) Vernon (2) Version (3) Very (1) Vets (1) Vice (2) Victim (2) Victim's (1) victims (2) Victoria (2) Victory (4) Vid (1) vide (1) Video (1) Videos (19) Vidya (1) vie (1) vigil (1) Vikings (1) Vikmanis (1) Villarreal (1) Viral (2) Virgin (2) Virginia (3) Virginia Fox (1) Virginia Fox band (1) virgo (1) Vision (2) visit (1) Vitale (1) Vitamins (2) Vito (1) vitriol (1) Vivica A. Fox (1) Vocabulary (1) Vogue (1) voice (6) Voiced (1) void (1) Vol. 2 (1) Volcano (1) Volkswagen (1) Von (1) Vonn (1) Vote (1) voucher (1) vows (1) voyages (1) VP (1) vs (21) vs. 2010 (1) Vulcan (1) VVS (1) vzw (1) W (2) w?gry (1) Wade Phillips (1) Wael (1) WAG (1) Waheeda (1) waiting (3) wake (1) Walden (1) Walker (3) Wallem (1) wallpaper (2) wallpapers (2) Walter (1) Walters (1) want (1) Wanted (3) Wants (2) War (4) Ward (1) warn (2) Warner (3) Warren (1) Wars (2) Was (5) washed (1) Washington (4) Waste (1) Watch (48) watchdog (1) Watching (1) Water (2) Watson (3) Way (3) Wayans (1) Wayne (3) Ways (1) Wcco (1) wcyb (1) we (4) Weapons (1) Wearing (1) Weather (10) Web (2) Web-based (1) Weber (1) website (2) websites (1) wedding (1) wedding dress (1) Wednesday (2) Wednesdays (1) Weed (1) Weekend (2) Weekend football (2) Weekly (1) weight (1) weight gain (1) Weightlifting (1) Weir (1) Weir gay (1) Welcome (2) Welcomes (2) Welker (3) Wells (2) Wendy (1) Were (1) Werewolves (1) Wes (3) West (3) Westboro (2) Western (2) WFAA (1) wfsb (1) WGAL (3) wgme (1) What (7) What's (1) When (3) Where (1) where is Kyron horman (1) Which (2) Whistleblower (1) White (5) Whitfield (1) Whiting (1) who (6) Whole (2) Whose (1) whud (1) whud center (1) whud storm (1) Why (2) wicket (1) wife (6) Wigan (1) WikiLeaks (3) Wild (1) Will (10) Willi (1) William (1) Williams (10) Wilson (3) win (3) Windows (1) Winfrey (1) Wings (1) Winner (4) Winners (3) wins (9) Winter (3) Wipes (1) wireless (1) Wisconsin (1) Witch (2) with (49) With Kris Allen (1) Without (2) Wives Jennifer Divorce (1) Wiz (3) WMibbit (1) WMUR (1) Wobble (1) woes (1) Wolves (1) Woman (6) Women (4) won (2) won't (2) Wonder (1) wonderkid (1) wood (1) Wood-Brothers-Racing (1) Woollard (1) WOOT (1) Worcester (1) WordPress (1) Wore (1) works (1) World (7) world's (1) WorldStarHipHop (1) worried (1) worse (1) Worst (2) worth (3) wound (1) WoW (1) wozniacki (1) WPMT (1) Wrap (2) Wraps (1) wrapup (2) wrestler (1) Wright-Phillips (1) write (1) writes (1) Wrong (1) wsaz (1) Wsbtv (1) WTNH (1) wtnh weather (1) WWE (1) (1) (1) wxyz (1) X-Men (1) X7 (1) Xbox (2) XIII-2 (1) XLV (2) xoom (1) Yahooooo (1) Yamla (2) Yamuna (2) Yankees (1) YBF (1) Year (4) Years (6) Yeast (1) Yeh (1) Yellen (1) Yellow (2) yeni (1) Yet (1) ymca (1) ymca of greater seattle (1) Yoga (2) york (11) you (11) You've (1) Young (2) your (10) youtube (13) YRCW (1) yuan (1) yĆ½kama (1) z"l (1) Zac (3) Zac And Vanessa (1) Zack (1) Zahlavova (1) Zenani (1) Zenyatta (1) zero attracts (1) ZEW (2) Zindagi (1) Zine (1) ZiPS (1) Zodiac (6) zone (1) Zorrilla (1) Zsa (2) Zuckerberg (2)