Thursday, March 31, 2011

Emily Deschanel Pregnant

Emily Deschanel Pregnant

A Bones baby is on the way.

Emily Deschanel and husband David Hornsby are expecting their first child, her rep confirms to PEOPLE exclusively.

The actress, 34, and Hornsby, a writer-actor best known for his role as Rickety Cricket on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, met through friends and began dating in 2007. They were married in an intimate ceremony in L.A. last September.

Deschanel is due later this year. Read the whole story:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Charlie Sheen's Tour Is Not Selling Out, After All

Charlie Sheen's Tour Is Not Selling Out, After All

The official line on Charlie Sheen's ill-defined touring show is that he's been selling out venues around the country, and in record time. It's a great comeback story for the recently fired star of "Two and a Half Men" — or it would be, if it were true.

CNBC contributor Jane Wells has looked into the matter, and reports that, in fact, many tickets to Sheen's shows are still available. The tour kicks off this Saturday in Detroit, where, Wells found, there were many tickets to be had. Secondary ticket sellers seem to have bought the bulk of the inventory, but are apparently finding demand to be less than expected: When Wells checked on StubHub, she discovered that "many tickets are selling for LESS THAN FACE VALUE [emphasis hers, though I certainly endorse it]."

Secondary research by this reporter indicated that many good tickets — including deluxe "Meet & Greet" packages that allow buyers to interact directly with Sheen — are still available for shows in New York, Boston, and Toronto, Ontario, Canada. As of Friday, there were still 1,449 tickets available on StubHub for the Detroit show — that's at least 28% of tickets remaining unsold. (A rep for Sheen declined to comment on ticket availability.)

It seems pretty obvious why audiences aren't flocking to see Sheen live. For one thing, we've seen plenty of him (some might say too much) on free media for the past month and a half. For another, potential attendees have no idea what, exactly, the show would consist of. Sure, there are many fans of the man's acting, but if he's not delivering sitcom lines, what is Sheen going to do? Sing? Do standup? Perform dramatic monologues? Rant at the audience like he did in his Sheen's Korner videos? Does any of that seem worth spending any amount of money on?

The bigger question is why any media outlet accepted the story of the tour's immense success. TMZ's source is unspecified, other than possibly Sheen's Twitter feed (and we can all make our own judgments as to his truthfulness).

So far, Sheen has not responded to Wells's story — not even to call her a troll.

Obama on Libya: 'We have a responsibility to act'

Obama on Libya: 'We have a responsibility to act'

WASHINGTON – Vigorously defending the first war launched on his watch, President Barack Obama declared Monday night that the United States intervened in Libya to prevent a slaughter of civilians that would have stained the world's conscience and "been a betrayal of who we are" as Americans. Yet he ruled out targeting Moammar Gadhafi, warning that trying to oust him militarily would be a mistake as costly as the war in Iraq.

Obama announced that NATO would take command over the entire Libya operation on Wednesday, keeping his pledge to get the U.S. out of the lead fast — but offering no estimate on when the conflict might end and no details about its costs despite demands for those answers from lawmakers.

He declined to label the U.S.-led military campaign as a "war," but made an expansive case for why he believed it was in the national interest of the United States and allies to use force.

In blunt terms, Obama said the U.S.-led response had stopped Gadhafi's advances and halted a slaughter that could have shaken the stability of an entire region. Obama cast the intervention in Libya as imperative to keep Gadhafi from killing those rebelling against him and to prevent a refugee crisis that would drive Libyans into Egypt and Tunisia, two countries emerging from their own uprisings.

"To brush aside America's responsibility as a leader and — more profoundly — our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a betrayal of who we are," Obama said. He spoke in a televised address to the nation, delivered in front of a respectful audience of military members and diplomats.

"Some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. The United States of America is different," Obama said. "And as president, I refused to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action."

Obama spoke as, in Libya, rebel forces bore down Monday on Gadhafi with the help of airstrikes by the U.S.-led forces. His speech was his most aggressive attempt to answer the questions mounting from Republican critics, his own party and war-weary Americans — chiefly, why the U.S. was immersed in war in another Muslim nation.

So far, the nation is split about Obama's leadership on Libya. Across multiple polls, about half of those surveyed approve of the way Obama is handling the situation. A Pew poll out Monday found that the public does not think the United States and its allies have a clear goal in Libya — 39 percent said they do; 50 percent said they do not.

Amid protests and crackdowns across the Middle East and North Africa, Obama stated his case that Libya stands alone. Obama said the United States had a unique ability to stop the violence, an international mandate and broad coalition, and the ability to stop Gadhafi's forces without sending in American ground troops. The message to his country and the world: Libya is not a precedent for intervention anywhere else.

In essence, Obama, the Nobel Prize winner for peace, made his case for war. He spoke of justifiable intervention in times when the United States, as the world's most powerful nation, must step in to help.

"In such cases," Obama said, "we should not be afraid to act."

Reaction to the speech in Congress tended to break along partisan lines, with Republicans faulting the president for what they said was his failure to define the mission clearly.

"When our men and women in uniform are sent into harm's way, Americans and troops deserve a clear mission from our commander in chief, not a speech nine days late," said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, a member of the Armed Services Committee and head of the Senate Republicans' political arm.

"President Obama failed to explain why he unilaterally took our nation to war without bothering to make the case to the U.S. Congress."

Obama steered away from turning this into a country-by-country dissection of the Arab revolts that are testing him at every turn. Instead, he spoke in sweeping terms to draw a connecting thread.

Citing a failure to act in Libya, he said: "The democratic impulses that are dawning across the region would be eclipsed by the darkest form of dictatorship, as repressive leaders concluded that violence is the best strategy to cling to power. The writ of the U.N. Security Council would have been shown to be little more than empty words, crippling its future credibility to uphold global peace and security."

The president also sought to address critics who have said the U.S. mission remains muddled.

Indeed, he reiterated the White House position that Gadhafi should not remain in power but the U.N. resolution that authorized power does not go that far. That gap in directives has left the White House to deal with the prospect that Gadhafi will remain indefinitely. Obama said the U.S. would try to isolate him other ways.

He said that the tasks U.S. forces were carrying out — to protect Libyan civilians and establish a no-fly zone — had international support. If the U.S. were to seek to overthrow Gadhafi by force, "our coalition would splinter," the president said.

"Broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake," Obama said.

Left unclear is what happens if Gadhafi stays.

He then raised the issue of Iraq and the move to rid Iraq of Saddam Hussein, a war that deeply divided the nation and defined the presidency of George W. Bush.

"Regime change there took eight years, thousands of American and Iraqi lives and nearly a trillion dollars," Obama said. "That is not something we can afford to repeat in Libya."

Domestic politics got a nod, too, in a nation saddled in debt and embroiled over how to cut spending.

"The risk and cost of this operation — to our military and to American taxpayers — will be reduced significantly" Obama said.

The president said transferring the mission to NATO would leave the United States in a supporting role, providing intelligence, logistical support and search and rescue assistance. He said the U.S. would also use its capabilities to jam Gadhafi's means of communication.

Obama spoke before an audience at the National Defense University not far from the White House. He has tended to speak and appear more comfortable in such settings than from behind his Oval Office desk.


Associated Press writers Erica Werner, Jim Kuhnhenn, Julie Pace and Stacy Anderson contributed to this story.

Gadgets You Should Get Rid Of (or Not)

Gadgets You Should Get Rid Of (or Not)

The common rap against technology is that it leads to an accumulation of devices. But the nature of technology is changing. Fewer products are doing more tasks — all accomplished by countless lines of massless software code.

And so we no longer need to accumulate products. If anything, we can cut down. The question is, Which can be replaced and which are fine, or even preferable, to keep? It is plain as day that paper maps and Rolodexes have given way to their digital counterparts. But what else can you get rid of? Here is a list of common consumer technologies and products and a somewhat opinionated judgment on whether to keep or pitch it.

DESKTOP COMPUTER Lose it. You may have one now, but are you really going to replace that deskbound PC when it becomes out of date? Assuming you are not a hardcore gamer or a video editor, laptops have all the necessary computing power the average user needs. If you want to replicate that desktop experience, you can always connect your laptop to a larger display and keyboard.

HIGH-SPEED INTERNET AT HOME Keep it. With the advent of devices like the MiFi, which converts a 3G mobile signal into a Wi-Fi cloud for multiple devices to share, you might be thinking about giving your Internet service provider the boot and using your cellphone as your Internet connection, even when at home. That would work — provided that you get a strong data signal where you live; that you never intend to stream video from Netflix, YouTube or Hulu; and that you have an unlimited data plan from your wireless provider. Given all these caveats, it probably makes more sense to stick with your I.S.P.

CABLE TV Depends. While you may and should hold on to a good broadband connection at home, it is debatable whether you need to pay for cable TV. Sports fans probably will want to keep it, as many leagues restrict online content, but casual viewers who mainly want some shows and movies to watch could get by with a good Internet connection and some low-cost subscriptions to services like Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Instant Video.

POINT-AND-SHOOT CAMERA Lose it. Yes, a dedicated camera will probably take a better picture than the small lens and image sensor of a smartphone, but it will not be that much better. And a point-and-shoot has limitations of its own. It is hard to share photos until you have transferred them to your computer, and there are no apps for cameras, as there are for smartphones, that allow you to quickly apply cool filters and treatments to the shots you took. Perhaps most important, a camera may or may not be close by when a photo-worthy moment arises, but it’s very likely that your phone will.

CAMCORDER Lose it. Camcorders get squeezed at both ends of the video spectrum. On the low end, smartphones can capture video, and while it may not be Imax quality, many people do not care. At the high end, new digital S.L.R. cameras (like Canon’s EOS Rebel T1i, which costs around $750 with a lens) can shoot full-HD video while taking advantage of all the interchangeable lenses that were created for still photography. That camcorder you have now is probably the last one you will own.

USB THUMB DRIVE Lose it. File sharing does not require hardware anymore. In almost any case you can think of, you can move files around digitally via the Internet. That could mean signing up for a service like Dropbox, which creates a private, shareable hard drive in the cloud, or by simply e-mailing yourself attachments and storing them in the drafts folder of Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc. A USB drive is just something to misplace or break.

DIGITAL MUSIC PLAYER Lose it (probably). Do you have a smartphone? Then you have a music player. Why load yourself down with an extra gadget? Apple popularized the music player with its iPod, but when was the last time you saw that iconic white box with the dial on the front? Music is data, and many multifunction devices can handle it along with many other kinds of data (like video, e-mail and apps). The one exception may be if you enjoy music while exercising. In that case, a tiny player like the $49 iPod Shuffle might be a better accessory than a larger, heavier smartphone.

ALARM CLOCK Keep it. Smartphones can be terrific alarm clocks. They can ramp up the volume gradually, display weather information and awaken you to your favorite song. And when on the road, they are still light-years ahead of the incomprehensible alarm clocks in hotel rooms. But a recent daylight time glitch in iPhones that fouled up the clock could give some early risers pause. Furthermore, setting and resetting smartphone alarms may require a dive into one submenu too many; turning a little knob on the back of a clock and flipping a switch is still simplicity itself.

GPS UNIT Lose it. The least expensive GPS units cost around $80. But your smartphone can do the same thing, if not more, for half that price, or even free. Android smartphones already have Google’s turn-by-turn navigation app built in. And earlier this month, Google announced that the company would be including live and historical traffic data in route planning, so you hopefully get to where you are going faster.

If you have an iPhone, you have several options for GPS apps, including Navigon’s MobileNavigator (which starts at $30) and ALK’s CoPilot Live ($20). Renting a car? Decline the optional GPS; if you have a smartphone, you already have one with you.

BOOKS Keep them (with one exception). Yes, e-readers are amazing, and yes, they will probably become a more dominant reading platform over time, but consider this about a book: It has a terrific, high-resolution display. It is pretty durable; you could get it a little wet and all would not be lost. It has tremendous battery life. It is often inexpensive enough that, if you misplaced it, you would not be too upset. You can even borrow them free at sites called libraries.

But there is one area where printed matter is going to give way to digital content: cookbooks. Martha Stewart Makes Cookies a $5 app for the iPad, is the wave of the future. Every recipe has a photo of the dish (something far too expensive for many printed cookbooks).

Complicated procedures can be explained by an embedded video. When something needs to be timed, there’s a digital timer built right into the recipe. You can e-mail yourself the ingredients list to take to the grocery store. The app does what cookbooks cannot, providing a better version of everything that came before it.

Now all Martha has to do is make a decorative splashguard for a tablet and you will be all set.

'Britney Spears' 'Perform' 'Femme Fatale' 'Live'

Watch 'Britney Spears' 'Perform' 'Femme Fatale' 'Live'

If you've appropriately adjusted your expectations for what a "Britney Spears performance" looks like in 2011, the pop star's first duo of "performances" since her massive Circus tour wrapped in 2009 won't leave you baffled.

There's no question Spears hasn't been literally In the Zone since the album of the same name came out in 2003. The last time anyone saw her dance with any conviction was 2004 (her "Do Somethin' " video, which was shot after the knee injury that's often blamed for her later lackluster moves). The last time she turned her mic on at a live performance was probably the great wardrobe malfunction of March 2009. But everyone really, really wants to believe Britney can still turn it out. Why? Because at the top of her game, Spears really was a triple threat -- a game-changer, a superstar, a slave for U. Read Whole Story....

watch video

What's Your Real Name?

What's Your Real Name?

Lady Gaga is a quarter of a century old today. No doubt she'll celebrate in a Gaga-ian fashion, but for now her fans (aka "Little Monsters") are most interested in knowing her real name.

Over the past 24 hours, Web searches for "lady gaga real name" and "what is lady gaga's real name" have both spiked into the stratosphere. For the record, her given name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta.

Gaga earned her nickname in an unusual way: According to producer Rob Fusari, "(Lady Gaga) was actually a glitch; I typed 'Radio Ga Ga' in a text and it did an autocorrect so somehow 'Radio' got changed to 'Lady.' She texted me back, 'That's it.' After that day, she was Lady Gaga."

Of course, Lady Gaga isn't the only celeb to use a stage name. Hollywood is full of folks who, for various reasons, adopt a different moniker. Here's a breakdown of the most searched "real names" on Yahoo! over the past week. Surprisingly, Gaga isn't No. 1.

1. Martin Sheen real name (Ramon Estevez)

2. Lady Gaga real name (Stefani Germanotta)

3. Triple H real name (Paul Michael Levesque)

4. Meat Loaf real name (Marvin Lee Aday)

5. Nate Dogg real name (Nathaniel Hale)

6. Charlie Sheen real name (Carlos Estevez)

7. Pink real name (Alecia Moore)

8. Nicki Minaj real name (Onika Tanya Maraj)

9. Judy Garland real name (Frances Ethel Gumm)

10. Flo Rida real name (Tramar Dillard)

11. Miley Cyrus birth name (Destiny Hope Cyrus)

12. Katy Perry real name (Katheryn Hudson)

13. Eminem real name (Marshall Mathers)

14. Snoop Dogg real name (Calvin Broadus)

15. John Wayne real name (Marion Morrison)

16. Fergie real name (Stacy Ann Ferguson)

17. Gene Simmons real name (Chaim Witz)

18. Wiz Khalifa real name (Cameron Thomaz)

19. Mark Twain real name (Samuel Clemons)

20. Dr. Seuss real name (Theodor Seuss Geisel)

American Idol 2011 Top 11

Last week the decision was made to put the Judges’ Save in play and keep Casey Jaymes around for another chance after America eliminated him from the competition. I'm sure that was shocking to many viewers!

This week the Top 11 singers will hit the stage and belt out songs from the catalog of Sir Elton John. This should prove very interesting indeed. The hopefuls will want to tread lightly as they keep in mind that the "Save" by Judges is now gone which means there would be a double elimination event come Thursday night.

The good news just kept coming for American Idol this past week when the ratings hit the reports. The final numbers put Idol at 21.3 million viewers for Thursday night’s results show with a 6.4 rating in the 18-49 adult demographic. Idol is kicking butt and taking names this season week after week.

The American Idol 2011 Live Tour has been confirmed to feature this season’s Top 11( not the usual 10) singers.  Look out for the tour dates which would be announced in the near future.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Judges Save Casey Abrams off of American Idol!

Casey Abrams Stays Put! Judges Save Casey Abrams From Being Voted Off of American Idol!

CASEY Abrams is safe for now.

The wannabe pop star was the bottom vote-getter Thursday on American Idol – but the judges used their one save of the season to keep him in the competition.

“This is crazy wrong,” said judge Steven Tyler.

Tyler and fellow judges Randy Jackson and Jennifer Lopez were visibly surprised and had no explanation for America’s vote.

Read Whole Story...

Hillary Clinton is Hopping Mad With NCIS Producers

Hillary Clinton is Hopping Mad With NCIS Producers? Hillary Clinton Reportedly Lashed Out at TV Show

HILLARY Clinton is not a happy lady!

Sources say the Secretary of State is furious at TV show NCIS after the show’s plot centered around an assassination attempt by a suicide bomber involving Clinton, who was played by a lookalike.

“Because the suicide bomber got within 50 yards of the Hillary character on the show, the real Hillary is worried that people may get the impression it’s easy to get through HER security team,” an insider told American tabloid the National Enquirer.

“It’s not that she thinks al-Qaeda was watching NCIS and they’re planning to attack her, but there are crazy people who would love to get near her. Having a faux Hillary character in a scene with a suicide bomber may lead people to believe that she’s an easy target.

Read Whole Story...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Duke Basketball

Duke Basketball

There are still a lot of unknowns when it comes to Duke and Arizona this time around, but one thing seems clear: Duke has an advantage in experience.

Arizona has one senior, five juniors, six sophomores and three freshmen.

Sophomores Derrick Williams, Solomon Hill, Kevin Parrom and MoMo Jones are four of the top six in terms of minutes played.

They obviously haven’t had immense tournament experience, something perhaps belied by comments Jones has made prior to the game:

“This last month-and-a-half, two months, I’ve talked a lot of junk. I’ve backed it up. To be honest with you, I don’t think anyone wants to look me in the eye.”

“I’m pretty sure there are going to be heated moments. People are going to be in each other’s face. People are going to be pushing each other for rebounds. People fighting. Elbows thrown. I mean, it’s the Sweet 16. You’re fighting to win a national championship. You’re fighting to get to the Elite Eight. You’re fighting to live another day.

“At this point, you play as physical, as nasty, as hard, and with all the dedication, that you have. That’s what we do, and that’s what we’ve done all season. So it’s not going to be anything different for us.”

“A lot of people think that (physical play) is not going to work because we are playing Duke. Duke is just another basketball team. Duke is a great program, just like we’re a great program. There really isn’t a difference between Duke and Arizona. Whether we’re playing Duke or Georgetown or Washington in the Pac-10 championship, it’s all the same.” Read Whole story....

Duke University Experts Find Protein

Duke University Experts Find Protein Which Could Hold Key To Autism Triggers

A team of scientists at North Carolina’s Duke University have demonstrated the effect a protein, called Shank3, can have on communication between brain cells.

Autism is a disorder which affects how people communicate and interact with others.

While a lot has been learned about the condition, its effective cause has yet to be fully determined.

The scientists created autistic mice by mutating the gene which controls the generation of the Shank3 protein.

The protein is found in the synapses between neurons.

What the team found was that mice with the genetic mutation avoided social interactions and displayed obsessive compulsive behaviour.

The mice were found to have defects in the circuits that connect two different areas of the brain, the cortex and the striatum.

This is believed to negatively affect communication and social interaction.

Research lead Dr Guoping Feng said of the study findings : "Our study demonstrated that Shank3 mutation in mice lead to defects in neuron-neuron communications.

"These findings and the mouse model now allow us to figure out the precise neural circuit defects responsible for these abnormal behaviours, which could lead to novel strategies and targets for developing treatment".

UC Berkeley student union opened 50 years ago

Berkeley history: UC Berkeley student union opened 50 years ago

Fifty years ago the new (and present day) student union on the UC Berkeley campus opened.

The Parthenon-like structure was officially dedicated March 17, 1961, with ceremonies that included a speech by California's Gov. Brown. (That's "Pat" Brown, not Jerry Brown, his son, now and again a California governor.) The new structure featured Pauley Ballroom, meeting rooms, student lounges (including sex-segregated "quiet rooms" where tired students could take a break), the Bear's Lair pub, art studio, and a bowling alley in the basement.

Some of that is now gone--the textbook store occupies the basement--but much of the stately building remains the same, particularly on the outside. The building is now called the Martin Luther King Jr. Student Union.

The old student union was in Stephens Hall, near the center of campus. The new union -- part of a four-building California Student Center that wouldn't be fully completed until Zellerbach Hall opened in 1968 -- brought the center of student activities right to the edge of the campus and adjacent to Telegraph Avenue.

One side effect of the student center construction, atop two city blocks that had formerly been occupied with private homes and businesses, was the closing of the northern block of Telegraph Avenue and creation of Sproul Plaza.

The new plaza spread in front of the Administration Building (now Sproul Hall) that had been completed in 1941, facing shops on the other side of Telegraph. Read Whole Story....

Thia Megia Says She's Proud To Be Filipino

Thia Megia Says She's Proud To Be Filipino

Thia Megia - American Idol contestant Thia Megia, a descendant of Filipino heritage announced how proud she is of her culture on American Idol.

Thia who was at risk of being voted off wow the judges earlier this week during their Motown themed show. The 15-year old covered 'Martha & The Vandellas' smash-hit 'Heatwave'. Thia successfully strayed from her usual ballad causing the judges including Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson to respond favorably saying,

"You've taken a step out. I love it" says Steven and Jackson echoed the comments, saying, "We knew you had it in you. I know I've been tough on you. You took a chance tonight. You can really sing. You moved up a notch tonight. Push!".

Alyse Lahti Johnston is Tiger Woods New Girlfriend!

Alyse Lahti Johnston, 22, is Tiger Woods, New Girlfriend!

TIGER Woods has a new girlfriend — and she’s only 22.

The divorced golfer is reportedly dating Alyse Lahti Johnson, a woman he’s known for quite a while.

According to Us Weekly magazine, Johnson, whose stepfather lives next door to Woods in Windermere, Florida and serves as an executive at his sports management company, used to “draw good luck pictures for Tiger before his tournaments” when she was a child.

“They had photos in their house of their family with Tiger,” a source said. “But Alyse never said she was interested in him!”

A second insider adds that the pair actually reconnected because of Johnson’s stepdad.

“They started dating around New Year’s Eve after seeing each other at one her dad’s functions,” said the source. Read Whole Story...

Whoopi Goldberg Explodes

Whoopi Goldberg Explodes At Donald Trump About Obama's Birth Certificate On 'The View' (VIDEO)

Whoopi Goldberg got into a furious argument with Donald Trump about President Obama's birth certificate on Wednesday's "The View."

Trump, who has been talking about running for president, has been drawing attention for his comments about Obama's citizenship. He repeated some of them on "The View."

"Why doesn't he show his birth certificate?" Trump said. "Why should he have to?" Whoopi cut in.

"Because I have to and everybody else has to, Whoopi," Trump said. He continued that he believed Obama has a birth certificate, but that he should show it to clear the "pall" hanging over him. Then, he said that it was odd that "nobody from [Obama's] early years remembers him," and that there was "something on that birth certificate that he doesn't like." This last comment seemed to be the final straw for Whoopi—and for Barbara Walters.

"That's a terrible thing to say," she said, as Whoopi exclaimed, "oh my God...that's the biggest pile of dog mess I've heard in ages." She continued, "it's not 'cause he's black, is it?" Trump said it had "nothing to do with that."

"Because I've never hear any white president being asked to show his birth certificate," Whoopi said heatedly, pounding her fist into her hand. "When you become the president of the United States of America, you know that he's American. I'm sorry. That's just B.S."


Myanmar Earthquake 2011

Myanmar Earthquake 2011: 7.0 Magnitude Temblor Hits Near Thailand

YANGON, Myanmar -- Two strong earthquakes struck northeastern Myanmar less than a minute apart Thursday night. They could be felt as far away as Bangkok, but a tsunami was not generated.

The first 7.0-magnitude quake was just six miles (10 kilometers) deep, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was followed by another of the same strength but far deeper: 140 miles (230 kilometers).

The quakes struck along Myanmar's borders with Thailand and Laos, about 70 miles (110 kilometers) from the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai.

Buildings swayed in Bangkok, 500 miles (800 kilometers) south of the epicenter.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says it was located too far inland to create a destructive wave.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

American Idol 2011 continues tonight when the Top 11 singers break out their Motown mojo and sing some classics

American Idol 2011 continues tonight when the Top 11 singers break out their Motown mojo and sing some classics. After last week’s elimination of Karen we’ll have to see if Naima and Haley can finally pick themselves up off the Idol floor and avoid the Bottom 3 to insure their safety for this week.

We’re still coming up dry on song spoilers, but I’ll keep an eye out for a few leaks like we saw last week. Of course, those were controlled leaks from production, but I guess we’ll take what we can get since they’d rather us not know them all. At least you can check out Branden’s song recommendations from the Motown collection.
Which guy and girl are you most looking forward to hearing perform tonight?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Claire McCaskill Pays Taxes

Claire McCaskill Pays Back Taxes for Airplane

Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said she has sent a check for $287,273 to St. Louis County for back taxes on her private plane.

The money covers four years' worth of personal property taxes owed on the plane plus interest and penalties, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Tuesday.

"This was a mistake," McCaskill told reporters in a conference call. "It should have been reported in Missouri. It should have been paid in Missouri."

Earlier McCaskill revealed she had written an $88,000 personal check to the U.S. Treasury Department to reimburse taxpayers for public money spent on flying the plane around Missouri.

Monday the Missouri Republican Party took out a full-page advertisement in a Springfield, Mo., newspaper, urging McCaskill to release more details on the plane.

"We hope that you will hold yourself to the same accountability and transparency standards that you demand of others," wrote party chairman, David Cole.

McCaskill said she has persuaded her husband to "sell the damn plane."

Jennifer Hudson Says Son David Jr. Is "So Sweet"

Jennifer Hudson Says Son David Jr. Is "So Sweet"

Jennifer Hudson - Actress and artist Jennifer Hudson has been doing her promotional rounds to promote her new album, "I Remember Me". Recently Jennifer sat down with Deborah Roberts of 20/20 to discuss her life's triumphs and disappointments.

While it's been speculated the Jennifer Hudson finds it difficult to forgive her sister Julie for the murders of her mother, brother and nephew, Jennifer seems certain in one thing.

“God is what I feel certain about. No matter what he’s always there—always. I feel like that is the greatest gift that my mother (gave me)-that no money, no fame, no nothing could give you at all."

“I have the greatest sadness to be sad over, but then look at the joy that I have too.”

About the new joy in her life Jennifer says,

“He’s so sweet. He loves to dance, he loves music. If my Weight Watchers commercial comes on he tells me, ‘Mama, that’s my mama!’”

On her weight loss Jennifer shares that she had no idea soo many people were watching,

"I had no idea so many people were watching," she said.

Now people come up to her and tell her how much she has inspired them.

"Being somebody who didn't get that kind of attention and then now, all of a sudden, it's magnified. So a lot of times I don't like to think about it because then it adds all the pressure," she said.

Kirstie Alley Stuns Viewers With Dancing Debut

Kirstie Alley Stuns Viewers With Dancing Debut

Kirstie Alley - Actress Kirstie Alley stunned viewers with her "cheeky" cha cha cha on her premiere night on Dancing With The Stars.

Some time after her performance Kirstie Alley tweeted,

“Life feels pretty beautiful right this minute. Thankful.”

Before then however, Kirstie had many doubts she would fail in her debut. “You have no idea how nerve-wracking that first dance can be in front of a live audience in the ballroom, the judges and millions of viewers that are watching from home. Rehearsals help you make all the right moves, but dancing on an empty stage and blocking out your routine with the cameras is very different from going live.”

"I think we're just scratching the surface on what you can do," Bruno Tonioli told Alley after her lively routine, set to the tune of Cee Lo Green's "Forget You." "Your foot placement on the cha cha cha was the best of the night. I like what I see!" Added Len Goodman: "It was fun, it was cheeky, it was entertaining. It had the feel good factor -- we all enjoyed it -- and you looked like you had fun doing it. Well done."

El Chupacabra Mystery Solved

El Chupacabra Mystery Solved: Case of Mistaken Identity

Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster rank as the top two best-known monsters in the world, but since its 1995 debut, El Chupacabra has made a Justin Bieber-like ascension to No. 3 on the charts. The relative newcomer to the monster world is the go-to culprit for weird livestock deaths and creates a massive media stir whenever it's "sighted." It even has a fan club on Facebook.

That could all end, now that Benjamin Radford, author of several books on monsters and paranormal phenomena, managing editor of the journal The Skeptical Inquirer and LiveScience columnist, has released what he says to be definitive proof that El Chupacabra is not real; it's not even a hoax, he said, but rather a leftover memory of a science- fiction film.

Stories of El Chupacabra first surfaced in March 1995 in Puerto Rico, Radford said, when dead, blood-drained goats began showing up (El Chupacabra translates to "goat sucker"). That August, a newspaper printed an eyewitness description of a bipedal creature, 4 to 5 feet tall with spikes down its back, long, thin arms and legs, and an alienlike oblong head with red or black eyes. That depiction became associated with El Chupacabra, and it reports of similar creatures began popping up throughout the Caribbean, in Latin America, Mexico and Florida.

The frenzy had died down slightly by 2000, but picked back up in 2004 when something began attacking livestock in Texas. A farmer shot one of the offenders, and later more alleged El Chupacabra carcasses turned up. They looked nothing like the Puerto Rico original, though, and DNA tests later revealed that they were actually coyotes with a severe case of mange.

On top of the sudden change in appearance—a hairless, snarly-looking four-legged creature is the popular depiction in Texas—these coyotes didn't even act like El Chupacabra. "When you did a necropsy of the chickens and goats that they attacked, they all had normal blood levels," Radford told Life's Little Mysteries. "They were not, in fact, vampirized."

"By the mid-2000s, anything weird was being called El Chupacabra," he said. "Mangy coyotes. Dead raccoons. Even a dried fish in New Mexico, which looks nothing like El Chupacabra." And yet the myth continued to gain momentum, so Radford, who has researched El Chupacabra and other strange sightings around the world for years, decided to cut it off at the head and set off to Puerto Rico to trace the beast back to its fictional roots. (Disclosure: Radford is a contributing writer to Life's Little Mysteries and columnist for its sister site, LiveScience.)

Mistaken identity

Radford dug through every El Chupacabra mention and traced the physical description of the monster to a single event in the second week of August 1995, when a sketch from an eyewitness named Madelyne Tolentino ran in a Puerto Rican newspaper. Locals immediately tagged the alien-looking animal as El Chupacabra.

The creature, Radford noticed, shared a strong resemblance to the alien/human hybrid in the 1995 sci-fi thriller "Species." When he spoke to Tolentino, he asked her if the thing that she saw could have been inspired by the film. Indeed, she had seen the movie in the weeks prior to making her description.

"You can make a direct connection between the film hitting theaters, her seeing the creature in the film, seeing it in the street, making the report and entering the public conscious," Radford said.

Soon after, reports of nearly identical creatures began appearing throughout Latin America. But these can be dismissed, Radford says, because they're all based on Tolentino's Hollywood-inspired monster.

"What I've tried to do is take the whole El Chupacabra enchilada and break it into small mysteries and then solve those mysteries," Radford said. "There's no place else for those mysteries to hide now. If I haven't solved every piece of it, then I don't know what I'm missing. It's all there."

"That said, if next month or next year somebody finds El Chupacabra that's sucking blood from animals, I'm happy to eat my crow and add a chapter to the book."

The last word

Even if you're not convinced by DNA evidence or Radford's research, simple logic should help you realize that El Chupacabra just doesn't exist.

For one thing, it would take a couple hundred to a few thousand of the creatures to keep the species alive. If each of those animals is five feet tall and weighs around 100 pounds, it would be pretty difficult for there to be no confirmed sightings or fossils, particularly on an island as small and as densely populated as Puerto Rico.

For another, even if the beasts managed to hide, they'd still need a lot of food, and if they are actually vampires, then you'd expect to find a lot more blood-drained carcasses.

If true believers have one complaint against Radford's work, he expects them to say that it's implausible that Tolentino saw something that doesn't exist. Radford, who has a degree in psychology, chalks that up to confabulation, a common scenario in which people simply confuse the fictional and real worlds. [10 Urban Legends Debunked]

"The question then becomes which is more likely, the astronomical chance that this creature looks exactly like the one from 'Species,' or that the film is just where she got the depiction?" Radford said.

So why does the myth persist? Radford says it's the result of a perfect storm of urban legend-brewing conditions. El Chupacabra was one of the first mythical beasts discovered in the Internet age, and its image and story spread around the world — and especially to Spanish-speaking countries — in a matter of weeks. It also gained the early support of UFO enthusiasts, who latched onto the idea that the creature was alien, or an alien's pet, as well as the conspiracy/cover-up angle often associated with forensic analyses of the "beast."

Radford has another theory: "The thing about myths is that people want to believe in things," he said. "I suppose that, in a perverse way, there's something comforting in that there's this vampiric monster that doesn't attack humans."

Ja Rule Pleads Guilty

Ja Rule Pleads Guilty to $3 Million Tax Evasion

Rapper Ja Rule pleaded guilty Tuesday for failing to pay taxes on more than $3 million in income, The Associated Press reports.

Ja Rule, whose given name is Jeffrey Atkins, earned the money between 2004 and 2006. As part of his plea deal, the government will dismiss two counts of unpaid taxes against the sometimes-actor, which includes $1 million he earned in 2007 and 2008.

Check out the rest of today's news

The Grammy nominated singer, who also appeared in The Fast and the Furious and Scary Movie 3, is expected to return to court on June 13 for sentencing. He faces up to three years in prison and $300,000 in fines.

Less than a week before his sentencing, Atkins will report to prison in New York to serve a two-year sentence on an attempted criminal possession of a weapon charge from December.

Barbra Streisand Back On Board For Gypsy

Barbra Streisand Back On Board For Gypsy?

Barbra Streisand - Legendary actress Barbra Streisand may still be on board to star in "Gypsy". We reported previously that Barbra Streisand was all set to play mama Rose, however last week reports circulated that "Gypsy" was put on hold.

Now Playbill reports that Barbra Streisand and "Gypsy" is rolling on!

The proposed film remake of the classic musical Gypsy, which would star Barbra Streisand as stage mother Rose, is close to being given the green light despite earlier reports that it would not happen.

According to, a deal is close to being set for the Universal Pictures film. Joel Silver would produce with Streisand still set to star.

The Hobbit Production Resumes

The Hobbit Production Resumes

Production of the Hobbit, which had previously been delayed by Peter Jackson’s health issues has finally resumed.

About two months ago, production of "The Hobbit," a two movie production including the allegedly titled "There and Back again" and "The Unexpected Journey," was stopped when Director Peter Jackson was admitted for a perforated ulcer.

However, production on the films, which are being shot in the same process to save time and resources, has officially resumed - beginning with an on-set readthrough of the script.

Ian McKellen posted on his blog that reading with Jackson and co-screenwriters Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens in the room was "as close to bliss as an actor can get."

Recently, it was also rumored that the MGM/Newline coproduction was going to have trouble meeting the projected $500 million production cost, but either the rumors were untrue or the studios found the money to make it work.

They have to know from the success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy that any further movies combining the lore of Tolkien and the directing talents of Peter Jackson are sure to be blockbusters, and getting two blockbusters for that price-tag is a good deal.

"The Hobbit" was written, and is set before "The Lord of the Rings," and so is being filmed and marketed as a prequel.

Still, what I’ve been wondering is this: If they’re making "The Hobbit" as a two film sequence, why couldn’t they have made "The Lord of the Rings" as a six film sequence. It could have been that much more epic, and we likely would have gotten a look at Peter Jackson’s take on my favorite "Rings" character, Tom Bombadil. Whole Story From...

Loleatta Holloway Dies at 64

Loleatta Holloway Dead! Soul Singer Loleatta Holloway Dies at 64

LOLEATTA Holloway, the American soul icon best known for her 1980 hit Love Sensation, has died at the age of 64.

Holloway — who was born in Chicago — had been battling a short period of ill health and died from heart failure late Monday, her manager confirmed.

Holloway, who was also known for disco song Hit and Run, successfully sued UK dance act Blackbox for a share of royalties from the group’s 1989 number one single Ride On Time, which sampled Love Sensation without credit.

Her work has also been sampled by Whitney Houston, for the star’s 2009 hit Million-Dollar Bill, and by US singer-turned actor Mark Wahlberg for his 1991 number one Good Vibrations, with Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Whole Story From...

Taylor Anderson death in Japan tsunami

Taylor Anderson's family confirms her death in Japan tsunami

The first known American victim of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami has been identified, according to MSNBC. Taylor Anderson's family apparently learned the news early Monday (March 21).

"It is with deep regret that we inform you that earlier this morning we received a call from the U.S. Embassy in Japan that they had found our beloved Taylor's body," the Anderson family says in a statement. "We would like to thank all those (whose) prayers and support have carried us through this crisis. Please continue to pray for all who remain missing and for the people of Japan."

Anderson, a Richmond, Va. native and school teacher, who had been living in Japan since 2008, was last seen leaving the school where she teaches and heading home on her bike. Before leaving, she helped students to get home after the earthquake. It is believed that she was caught in the resulting tsunami.

"Shortly thereafter, the tsunami warning sirens started to sound," her father, Andy Anderson, said last week. "She probably had 10, 15 minutes of bike riding before the water hit."

Anderson was one of the estimated 50,000 Americans known to be in Japan when the earthquake hit. There have been no reports as to any other American deaths as of the posting of this article.

Her parents appeared on the "Today" show last week to talk about their search for their daughter. Read Whole Story...

Unforgettable William Shatner Moments Top 10

Top 10 Unforgettable William Shatner Moments

William Shatner — actor, comedian, pitchman, recording artist and author — turns 80 today. From Captain Kirk to an interpretive performance of "Common People," Shatner has had an accomplished and eccentric life. TIME takes a look at some of his best moments.

Sarah Palin's rambling resignation speech in July 2009 had many ready to write her off as an incoherent train wreck. But late-night television host Conan O'Brien wondered if the joke was actually on the naysayers. Maybe, he suggested, Palin's made-up words and erratic delivery shouldn't be interpreted as mundane political speak, but as profound poetry. To test his hypothesis, O'Brien invited William Shatner to deliver Palin's speech verbatim. The legendary actor didn't disappoint, peppering Palin's punches with mock seriousness and dramatic pauses. The segment was a huge hit, and Shatner later returned to The Tonight Show to read her tweets as well as an excerpt from her autobiography, Going Rogue.

Ralph Macchio Leads Dancing With The Stars

Ralph Macchio Leads Dancing With The Stars

'Karate Kid' star Ralph Macchio was awarded the most points in the first episode of 'Dancing With the Stars.'

Ralph Macchio is in the lead on 'Dancing with the Stars'.
The 'Karate Kid' actor and his partner Karina Smirnoff finished the first show with a total of 24 points, putting him ahead of other contestants Kirstie Alley, Petra Nemkova and Kendra Wilkinson.
Judge Bruno Tonioli told the former child star that he had "great showmanship" but needed to watch his "weird" hand.
Kirstie, who came second with Maksim Chmerkovskiy, gained a 23-points total after she was awarded an 8 and revealed she wants a 9 next time.
The 'Fat Actress' star said: "I did work hard, and I'm going to work harder now. I've had a taste of an eight, I want a nine."
Pittsburgh Steelers player Hines Ward was also highly acclaimed for his cha cha cha with partner Kym Johnson, with the audience on their feet for his dance.
The lowest score of the night went to talk show host Wendy Williams, who scored just 14.
Commenting on her dance, head judge Len Goodman said: "You need to unleash the beast. I thought, 'Here we go, loud and proud - you got your dumplings boiling over.' But it was quiet. It was timid."

Maya Rudolph husband reportedly expecting

Maya Rudolph and husband reportedly expecting their third child

Maya Rudolph, a former Saturday Night Live cast member, is pregnant with her third child, U.S.-based People magazine.

"I feel like everyone who has had more than one (child) says you should do it," Rudolph, 38, said in 2009, when she announced she was pregnant with her second child.

"It's nice to have this experience."

The "Bridesmaids" actress and director Paul Thomas Anderson, 40, are parents to daughters Pearl and Lucille.

Eddie Vedder Of Pearl Jam Set To Release

Eddie Vedder - Eddie Vedder Of Pearl Jam Set To Release His Second Solo Album

Eddie Vedder- Pearl Man front man Eddie Vedder is all set to release his second solo album, "Ukulele Songs" on May 31.

According to Billboard,

Eddie Vedder's "Ukulele Songs" will feature a number of songs that Vedder penned and first played live -- but never released -- nearly a decade ago, "Ukulele Songs" also includes a uke version of Pearl Jam's 2002 track "Can't Keep" and guest vocalists on two tracks: Glen Hansard on the Everly Brothers cover "Sleepless Nights" and Cat Power on "Tonight You Belong To Me." The album's lead single, "Longing To Belong," a Vedder original, is available digitally today (March 21).

The concert DVD, "Water On The Road," meanwhile, captures Vedder playing Pearl Jam tunes, ukulele songs, covers, and selections from his 2007 solo album/soundtrack "Into The Wild" at a pair of Washington D.C. solo shows from Aug. 16 and 17, 2008. It was directed by Christoph Green and Fugazi's Brendan Canty.

Melanie Brown is Pregnant

Melanie Brown of Spice Girls is Pregnant

Melanie Brown, AKA Scary Spice of the Spice Girls, is pregnant.

According to, she is the third member of the UK pop group currently expecting: Emma Bunton is due with a boy in May and Victoria Beckham is due with a girl in July.

Melanie Brown and her husband Stephen Belafonte, both 35, said they are expecting their baby in July or August.

The couple already has three children between them, reports

"Both my pregnancies have been lucky and happy and exciting, no matter what situation I've been in. This is different because we have been married for four years, we have a history together, we're best friends, we're in it together, and he's totally supportive," Brown said.

Cherry Blossom Festival in D.C

Cherry Blossom Festival in D.C. to Benefit Japanese Efforts

The Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. normally commemorates the introduction of Spring to the area - but this year, the festival will hold a special meaning. With proceeds being donated to the relief efforts in Japan, this year's Cherry Blossom Festival promises to be quite a treat.

This year's festival begins on March 26, 2011, and will include a "Stand With Japan" walk.

The Cherry Blossom Festival occurs at different times each year. Over the years, the blossoming has been highly variable. In 1990 peak bloom was March 15, while in 1958 it was April 18.

Last Winter, a series of major snowstorms that began in December dumped a record amount of snow on Washington, shredding the capital's snow-removal budget and paralyzing the city for days on end. The cold, harsh conditions pushed the festival much later - into the second week of April.

The trees that are included in the Cherry Blossom Festival were donated 98 years ago by Japan.

Barbra Streisand Still Set to Play Mama Rose

Barbra Streisand Still Set to Play Mama Rose! Gypsy Movie Starring Barbra Streisand To Hit The Big Screen!

BARBRA Streisand might still get to play Mama Rose on the big screen.

According to Entertainment Weekly magazine, studio Universal is still in talks to acquire a Gypsy adaptation starring the Hollywood legend.

Previous reports claimed the project had been nixed, but lyricist Stephen Sondheim and book writer Arthur Laurents are reportedly still on board.

Barbra recently admitted she regrets worrying about the way she looks, as she has now grown to appreciate her “strange face”.

“Recently, doing DVDs, I’ve had to look at myself in old movies or on album covers… I thought, I really looked good there. Why didn’t I know that then?” she said.

“But I do have a strange face. It changes so much from angle to angle. Sometimes I think I really did look quite beautiful and a lot of times I looked really bad. It’s a shame. But I’m not going to cry over it. I’m trying to be in the moment, I’m enjoying my life.”

LeAnn Rimes Makes Amends

LeAnn Rimes Makes Amends! Singer LeAnn Rimes Ends Twitter Feud With Brandi Glanville

LEANN Rimes is making amends.

The Can’t Fight The Moonlight singer has officially called for an end to the Twitter battle between herself and Brandi Glanville, the ex-wife of her fiancé Eddie Cibrian.

“As a collective unit, Brandi and I would like all negativity to cease toward one another,” LeAnn wrote on her Twitter page.

“We have communicated and have a direct understanding that we are ONLY ourselves on Twitter and have no other accounts that try to destroy one another.

“Please for our families’ sake stop the hate now and let us live OUR lives. We don’t need opinions or outside help in order for that to happen.”

Glanville retweeted Rime’s statement later that day.

Recent reports claimed LeAnn is going all out to organize the wedding of her dreams!

“LeAnn selected three different gowns: one to walk down the aisle, one for the dinner and another to dance in,” a source told America’s In Touch Weekly magazine.

“LeAnn has gotten close with Eddie’s old friends from when he and Brandi Glanville were married.
“She has been working out nonstop. The way she talks about the wedding, it’s like she thinks she’s Kate Middleton and Eddie is Prince William!”

Bryan Adams gets Hollywood star

Bryan Adams gets Hollywood star

LOS ANGELES (AFP) – Grammy-winning Canadian singer Bryan Adams was honored with a star on Hollywood's storied Walk of Fame on Monday -- with a little help from fellow countryman and hockey legend Wayne Gretzky.

The pair braved an unseasonal Los Angeles downpour to celebrate the 51-year-old being granted the 2,435th star on the storied walkway of stars along Hollywood Boulevard.

"I remember being in Hollywood at the age of 16 and marveling at the stars," Adams, a diplomat's son who has had number one hit records in more than 40 countries.

"The idea of being part of it never entered my mind. It was too far-fetched. Today, I'm humbled at the induction of my name. It's fantastic," he added, sheltering from the rain.

National Hockey League's all-time scoring leader Gretzky said the weather, rather than Los Angeles' usual sunshine, was appropriate.

"This is typical. I've been to an outdoor concert of Bryan's where it was pouring rain and watched him perform his magic," he said, calling Adams "a very humble Canadian and adding: "I'm very proud to say he's Canadian."

Adams was born in Ontario, but spend much of his youth in England, Israel, Portugal and Austria, following his father's postings.

He hit the big time in 1983 with his third album "Cut Like a Knife," while his other hits have included "Summer of '69," "Run to You," and "Let's Make It A Night to Remember."

The singer -- who is currently on tour, including a concert in Los Angeles on April 9 -- won a Grammy Award for "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You," from the 1991 movie "Robin Hood -- Prince of Thieves."

Adams sang Canada's national anthem, "O Canada," before Gretzky's final game in 1999, adding the line, "We're gonna miss you Wayne Gretzky."

Gretzky, known as the "Great One" by his fans, retired holding 55 league records, including being the only player to record more than 200 points in one season which he achieved four times.

Martin Sheen understands son Charlie hell

Martin Sheen understands son Charlie's 'hell'

( -- Martin Sheen understands the "hell" son Charlie Sheen is going through.
He believes that Charlie, despite being 45, is still "emotionally" a child. "Because when you're addicted, you don't grow emotionally. So. when you get clean and sober you're starting at the moment you started using drugs or alcohol," the actor tells the UK's Telegraph magazine. "You're emotionally crippled."
Sheen, 70, has been through similar difficulties, he concedes: "I know what hell he's living in. I've had psychotic episodes in public. One of them was on camera -- the opening scene of "Apocalypse Now." ... I know what Charlie is going through. And when you do something like that, that is out of control, that's the most difficult thing. You have to have courage."
Courage and faith are required, adds the committed Catholic, whose latest movie, "The Way," costars his son Emilio Estevez, 48, who also wrote and directed the father-son drama.
"Faith can help all of us. Addiction is the dark side. It's a reflection of despair. And it's fed by all the other negativity," Sheen tells the magazine, a supplement to the Daily Telegraph newspaper.
Estevez, meanwhile, is optimistic his brother can beat his problems. "There's always hope, and there are so many examples of people pulling themselves out of the sh-- and having a rebirth," he told The Sunday Times. "So you just pray for him and hope he has that moment of clarity."

Tommy Lee new SyFy travel show

Tommy Lee gets new SyFy travel show

Tommy Lee is developing an investigative travel series for the Syfy channel.

On the show, called "Culture Shock With Tommy Lee," Lee, the drummer of the rock band Motley Crue and ex-husband of actress Pamela Anderson, will attempt to "uncover various rituals, symbols, and other mysteries of secret societies," Entertainment Weekly said.

A spokesperson for the cable channel confirmed the report to No filming or air dates have been announced.

"This is the first show that I've been a part of that will blow our minds and reveal things that will explain almost all our questions," Lee told Entertainment Weekly. "I'm very excited to be partnering with Syfy on this show. It's going to be an amazing experience for all involved."

Lee starred in the NBC reality show "Tommy Lee Goes to College" in 2004. His Motley Crue band mater, singer Vince Neil, also appeared on television - he participated in the ABC reality show "Skating With The Stars" last year.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Wendy Williams Dancing with Tony Dovolani

Wendy Williams and Tony Dovolani – Cha Cha Cha – Dancing with the Stars

Wendy Williams and Tony Dovolani dance the Cha Cha Cha on Dancing with the Stars

How ya doin?! Go Wendy!


Len Goodman: You have to bring your personality to the floor (you didn’t).
Bruno Tonioli: You are a gorgeous woman. Why are you marking?
Carrie Ann Inaba: I saw real fear in your eyes this started. You need to do way more. You need to unleash the beast.


Carrie Ann – 5
Len – 4
Bruno – 5
Rickey – 5 (Go Wendy!)

Watch the video here:

brooke burke Dancing with the Stars

Hines Ward, moments after his first dance, was asked by host Brooke Burke if winning “Dancing with the Stars” would make up for the Steelers’ loss in the Super Bowl. Because, yeah, those things are totally the same.

To Ward’s credit, however, he did refer to the show’s trophy as the silver ball instead of its proper name, the Mirror Ball Trophy, to restore my faith in humanity.

Ward is just the latest in a long line of NFL players who have made the leap from the NFL to the hit reality TV dance show. He joins Jerry Rice, Emmitt Smith (a champion), Jason Taylor, Warren Sapp, Lawrence Taylor, Chad Ochocinco and Kurt Warner. In addition, Kendra Wilkinson, wife of NFLer Hank Baskett, is also on the cast.

On hand to cheer Ward was Steelers great and Hall of Fame running back Franco Harris, who waved a Terrible Towel. Certainly when Myron Cope first coined the phase “Terrible Towel,” he imagined that this piece of linen would go on to represent the Steelers’ dominance — and dancing ability.

Kind of funny to think that the Steelers’ rough-and-tough image produced Mean Joe Greene and Jack Lambert — and now a dancing hero. Though Lynn Swann was known for his ballet moves, so maybe it fits.

Ward performed well out of the gate, topped only by Ralph Macchio‘s hairpiece. And, inexplicably, Kirstie Alley.

Ward scored three sevens, not a bad first-round score. Given the Steelers’ fervent fan base, Ward should be able to advance far in this competition.

And, yes, we can’t wait for the labor dispute to be settled either. Maybe this will help both sides move towards the middle for an agreement.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Barack H. Obama Elementary to close

Barack H. Obama Elementary to close

The Barack H. Obama Elementary School in Asbury Park, N.J. will be shuttered this summer, largely due to low enrollment, the Asbury Park Press reports.

Bruce N. Rodman, the official who oversees the district's finances, determined that it was necessary for one of the district's elementary schools to close and the Obama school's enrollment had dropped 35 percent in the past 10 years, the newspaper reports.

The Bangs Avenue School elected in 2010 to change its name to Barack H. Obama Elementary.

At the time that the school acquired its new name, administrators took a lot of flak for ostensibly focusing on the name change instead of the plight of its students. But the city resident behind the movement, Myra Campbell, believed it would "send a subliminal message" to the students.

"Every time they walk through the school doors, there's going to be a certain amount of pride in where they go to school," Campbell told the Star-Ledger in 2009. "We now move forward in trying what we can to improve the academic skills of the students and also the social skills." At the time, another New Jersey school had already been renamed after the president.

About 1,000 students will be reassigned to local schools in the fall.

Katie Holmes interview with Women's Wear Daily

In an interview with Women's Wear Daily, Holmes said that she brings arts and crafts when she travels so daughter Suri will always feel at home. Katie also revealed that husband Tom Cruise got her a sewing machine for her birthday.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift goes for Dr. Seuss: The singer has signed on as a voice in the animated 3-D spectacle 'The Lorax.' The children's book is famous for being a rhyming quest to save the environment. The star will join Zac Efron, Danny DeVito, Ed Helms, and Betty White. The movie will open in 2012.

Eva Green

Eva Green

The French-born actress stars as the charismatic headmistress of a girls' boarding school in "Cracks." The drama, set in the 1930's, is the directorial debut of Jordan Scott, daughter of filmmaker Ridley. described the movie as "A tale of deteriorating dictatorial charm."

Jon Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi

The music industry has gone from vinyl to digital, and rocker Jon Bon Jovi is apparently less than happy about it. He told London's Sunday Times Magazine that he holds Apple CEO Steve Jobs "personally responsible for killing the music business." We bet Jobs feels "shot through the heart."

Shania Twain: Las Vegas Concert Run For Singer

Shania Twain: Las Vegas Concert Run For Singer Shania Twain?

SHANIA Twain is in talks to take on a concert run at Caesars, headlining when Celine Dion is on a break.

John Meglen — president of AEG, the producers of Celine’s show — confirmed to The Las Vegas Sun newspaper that while no contracts have been signed, the “talks are ongoing.”

Meanwhile, Twain’s OWN show, Why Not? With Shania Twain, will premiere May 8, the network announced Thursday.

The hourlong debut will air at 11 p.m. ET, immediately following The Judds finale.

The docuseries will follow Twain as she revisits her childhood home in Timmins, Northern Ontario, Canada and deals with the loss of both her parents in a devastating car accident and the poverty of her childhood. Read whole Story

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Banshee Screams and St. Patricks Day History

Banshee Screams and St. Patricks Day History

I once had a roommate who would claim, when his bladder was full to bursting, that he had to “pee like a banshee.”
He had conflated “pee like a racehorse” with “scream like a banshee” and his mistake was charming enough to be forgiven.
But when others talk about “crying like a banshee” or “lying like a banshee,”or “fighting like a banshee,” it’s just embarrassing. A banshee screams (and only sometimes at that).
Since it’s still St. Paddy’s day for a few more hours, it’s a good time to figure out this banshee business.
According to Irish legends, banshee (or bean-sidhe), are fairies or an ancestral spirit appointed to visit members of certain Irish families to warn them of their death.
The banshee typically appears in one of three guises — a beautiful young woman, a matronly middle-aged one, or an old hag. She wears a gray hooded cloak, a flowing twisted sheet or a gray robe. In some version, she appears as a washer-woman and appears to be washing blood from the clothes of the almost-dead.
Oh, and these pre-death announcements? The banshee only perform the services for five Irish families: the O’Neills, the O’Briens, the O’Connors, the O’Gradys, and the Kavanaghs.
The good news is there’s been so much intermarriage, probably any ol’ Irish name qualifies at this point.
Now for the screaming part: it’s not a requirement of a banshee! But that’s sometimes her method of conveying coming death and it’s more of a mourning call than and all out nerve-shattering shriek, which is what we’ve come to equate “screaming like a banshee” with.
For your tween readers, an excellent book which frequently references the banshee — and takes place during the Irish potato famine — is “Nory Ryan’s Song,” by Patricia Reilly Giff.
If you’re going the read-aloud route, may I suggest a box of tissues because by the end, you’ll be crying like a banshee. Oh, you know what I mean.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Four Leaf Clover

Shamrock Vs Four Leaf Clover

The Shamrock, the National Flower of Ireland is worn because St. Patrick used it to explain the Holy Trinity to pagans during his lifetime. Millions of Irish and many that are just Irish at heart are wearing shamrock today to mark St. Patrick’s Day, 17th March.

Saint Patrick is believed to have been born in the late fourth century, and is often confused with Palladius, a bishop who was sent by Pope Celestine in 431 to be the first bishop to the Irish believers in Christ.

The four leaf clover is an uncommon variation of the common, three-leaved shamrock, also known as clover. According to tradition, such leaves bring good luck to their finders, especially if found accidentally.

According to legend, each leaf represents something: the first is for hope, the second is for faith, the third is for love, and the fourth is for luck.

Shamrock can have more than four leaves: the most ever recorded is fifty-six,discovered by Shigeo Obara of Hanamaki, Iwate, Japan, 10 May 2009.

It has been estimated that there are approximately 10,000 shamrock of three-leaf clover for every shamrock of four-leaf clover; however, this probability has not deterred collectors who have reached records as high as 160,000 shamrock of four leaf clovers.

It is debated whether the fourth leaf on a shamrock four leaf clover is caused genetically or environmentally.

Certain companies produce four leaf clovers using different means.The botanist Richard Mabey alleges, in Flora Britannica, that there are farms in the US which specialize in shamrock of four-leaf clovers, producing as many as 10,000 a day.

St. Patrick’s Day is a great excuse to wear shamrock of a three leaf clover or shamrock of a four leaf clover. “To be sure! To be sure!”

Raymond Davis is Free!

CIA contractor Raymond Davis set free after ''blood money'' deal

Lahore, Mar 16 (PTI) American CIA contractor Raymond Davis, arrested after he shot and killed two Pakistanis in January, was today acquitted and freed by a court after the families of the dead men agreed to a �blood money� deal of over USD 2.3 million and pardoned him.

Hours after Additional District and Sessions Judge Yousuf Aujla indicted Davis on murder charges during an in-camera hearing at Kot Lakhpat Jail, 19 male and female relatives of the dead men appeared in the makeshift court and said they were willing to forgive the American if compensation was paid under the ''Qisas'' and ''Diyat Law''.

"The relatives appeared in court and independently told the judge that they had accepted the diyat (compensation) and forgiven him,� said Rana Sanaullah, the Law Minister of Punjab province.

"The court then acquitted him. The court proceedings were completed according to the law. The Punjab government didn�t talk to anyone and we were not part of (this arrangement)," Sanaullah said.

Davis was free to "go anywhere" after his acquittal, he said.

Davis, a 36-year-old former Special Forces soldier, was arrested in Lahore on January 27 after he shot and killed two armed men he claimed were trying to rob him.

A third Pakistani man died when he was hit by a US consulate vehicle rushing to help Davis. Police rejected Davis� claim of acting in self-defence and booked him for murder.

Officials who did not want to be named said the US paid Rs 6 crore to each of the families of the three dead men.

The total �diyat� or compensation amounted to USD 2.3 million, they said.

The relatives of the dead men gave a written undertaking to the judge about accepting the "blood money" and asked him to free Davis, Geo News channel quoted its sources as saying.

The judge accepted this and acquitted Davis, the channel reported.

Sanaullah said under Pakistani and Islamic laws, the relatives of the dead men had the legal right to accept �diyat� and forgive the accused.

"The government and the prosecutors cannot prevent that," he said.

Judge Aujla also disposed of another case against Davis for illegal possession of a weapon, saying the time he had spent in prison would be considered as his punishment.

Davis paid a fine of Rs 30,000 in connection with this case on the orders of the court.

Reports quoting unnamed US officials in Washington said Davis was flown out of Pakistan after his acquittal.

Pakistani news channels reported Davis was flown from Lahore to Afghanistan in a special military aircraft. (MORE) PTI MZ RHL

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Bachelor Finale

The Bachelor Finale: Emily Isn’t Wearing A Ring! No Wedding?

Brad Womack chose Emily Maynard!
But on The Bachelor: After the Final Rose ceremony, Emily wasn’t wearing her engagement ring!
It was revealed on the after-show that Brad and Emily have already had some issues.  They had even planned to be married today but postponed the wedding!
Why the issues?
Emily said she had anxiety watching the show every Monday night, and was troubled by seeing Brad’s relationships with the other women.
But what about the ring????

I can understand the feelings they both must be having… not seeing each other for over a month, watching the show on television but being secretly engaged.  It’s no wonder they’ll have to adjust to the real world.
Emily also stated on After the Final Rose that she is not ready to move with her daughter to Austin, Texas.
But, Emily says she is in love with Brad and sees her getting married to him.
But what about the ring????
Brad had to get it re-sized to fit her!  Or maybe even get her a new style, not sure because it didn’t look like the same one!


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